I personally think a big problem in the world today is that people like to blame others for the problems that are going on around the world, and sometimes even their own problems. There are more than one group that gets targeted more often and I think it is just an excuse. It is an excuse because they don't want to go out and fix the problems that they have or the problems that they see in everyday life. So instead it is easier to blame someone else and hope that someone will take a hint and fix it.
Sorry but blaming “the younger generation,” “white privilege,” and even “Donald Trump,” won’t fix whats wrong in the world, so maybe it’s time people stop thinking that it will.
For example the older generation likes to say “this is the problem with the younger generation nowadays” and I take offense to that. I am a 20 year old and I don't ever wish to be disrespectful or lazy. I intend to work hard and excel in the field that I feel best fits my interests. Blaming my generation for failing jobs or failing companies wont stop the job from failing. What will help it is the person my age who will rise in the field and eventually reshape the company to make it better.
Another example is “white privilege" and quite frankly nothing makes me more angry than that expression. I am not a moron, I know that there are instances of racism in this country and there have been for quite some time but I think it goes much deeper than a white person and their so called “privilege.” My parents have worked hard their entire lives to give me and my sister everything we have ever wanted and I am grateful for that. It doesn't make me a bad person, and it doesn't make me feel like I am better than everyone else. Like I said before I intend to not just graduate from school, but excel in school and work hard to give the kids that I one day have the same great life my family gave me. I may be lucky with the family that I have but I do not flaunt my so called “white privilege” nor do I think I am somehow superior because of it. If we all tried to be happy for one another instead of talking negatively about people, maybe the racism would stop. Pointing fingers at “white privilege" wont stop the problem but maybe getting out there and trying to advocate for people’s rights will.
Donald Trump. Ah this 2016 presidential election was perfect for those who just want to point fingers instead of actually doing something about whats wrong in the world. Hate him, love him, didn’t vote for him, whatever your stance on him is, guess what he isn’t whats wrong with the world. I hate to break it to you, but there were problems before him and there will be problems after him. Maybe instead of sulking over the election, you can get out and try to help whatever seems to be going on in the world. You’re promoting a certain type of hate, the same hate that let four men torture a special needs male this week saying “F**** white people,” “F*** Donald Trump.” Instead of promoting that, raise awareness for those in need, raise awareness for the terrorism that is so strong in the world right now. We have bigger things to worry about like the shooting at the airport in Florida than your candidate losing the election.
There are many more things that people like to blame for whats wrong in the world, but these are the ones I have constantly been seeing. Use your complaints for something good, stop blaming everyone else. You can change what you don’t like if you use your comments constructively (like maybe writing an article like I did lol,) but seriously, life is to short and there are to many things happening for us to blame each other. Instead lets all come together to make a difference in the world, for the things that actually cause problems.
I am sorry if this article seems offensive, and if you don’t agree with me that is fine. I am trying to use my voice to promote a less hateful community, a less hateful world.