I am a proud thespian. Theatre has taught me so much about myself and truly helped to shape me into the person I am today. I am incredibly thankful for that. Theatre is such big part of my life and I sincerely don't know where I would be without it. I owe so much to the stage and the people surrounding it and I have learned a lot of valuable lessons while in the spotlight.
Theatre taught me how to put myself out there and the extremely valuable lesson that rejection is not always a bad thing. Theatre taught me to learn from my mistakes and that failure can only make me stronger. I have also come to realize that sometimes there are situations that I can't control, and when I find myself in one of those situations I just have to breathe and accept that everything happens for a reason- and move on.
Theatre has made me push myself further than I could have never imagined. Playing a challenging role is exactly that, a challenge. Taking on a difficult role forces me to do things that are outside of my comfort zone. I am now willing to try new things and I know how to handle myself when I find myself in an uncomfortable situation. Since pushing boundaries is an inherent part of theatre that, in turn, makes me push my own boundaries and do things I once thought were impossible.
I will forever be thankful for the relationships theatre has brought me. I have met some of my best friends doing shows. The bond between cast mates is an unbreakable one. Long rehearsals and an even longer run can make your castmates turn into family and by the time the show is over you have all grown together and learned from each other. There is a trust that is gained and a bond is formed that is unlike anything I have ever experienced. Each cast has a unique dynamic and that comes across onstage. The chemistry between characters is natural and only gets stronger each show because our relationships with each other as people only get stronger. Sure, we get on each other's nerves every once in a while, but at the end of the day, there is nobody I would rather spend my free time with than my cast.
In short, theatre is everything to me. I have seen it make me more mature and a better team player. It has caused me to come out of my shell and truly find myself and believe in myself. I know for a fact I would not be where I am right now if it wasn't for the stage. And, yes, the long, sweaty, grueling hours may not seem all that appealing, but when it is all said and done it's the experience that matters. Each show and each cast makes me better and teaches me something new. I am thankful for all the shows I have been cast in and rejected from because out of each one comes a lesson that I will always remember.
So thank you to the theatre for catching me when I fall and more importantly, teaching me how to fly.