Currently Trending: 5 Stories From The Week Of February 2 To Read Today | The Odyssey Online
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Currently Trending: 5 Stories From The Week Of February 2 To Read Today

A weekly roundup of Odyssey's Currently section.

Currently Trending: 5 Stories From The Week Of February 2 To Read Today

Currently creators covered a wide range of new stories last week.

We've rounded up the top five you may have missed from last week, right here.

1. 23 Rush Limbaugh Quotes That Should Automatically Disqualify Him From Receiving The Medal Of Freedom

By Kyra Stillwell

Controversial talk radio host Rush Limbaugh was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President Donald Trump at the State of the Union address on February 4, 2020. With quotes such as, "I love the women's movement, especially when walking behind it," it's up to you whether you think it was justified or not.

2. 25 Tweets You Need To Understand What Happened In Trump's Impeachment Trial

By Tyler Lyman

Donald Trump was acquitted by the Senate this past week. Although it wasn't a huge shock, it definitely needs some context in order to understand exactly what went down.

3. The Worst Part Of Trump's Impeachment Isn't That He Got Away With It, It's That We Knew He Would

By Emily Hiles

"Nothing that's happened in the Trump trial has surprised me.
Has it disappointed me? Absolutely.
Have most Republicans involved behaved shamefully? Yes.
But I've yet to be surprised."

4. The Democrats Embarrassed Themselves At The State Of The Union, But Trump Is Still President

By Lily Hayes

"So, how did the Democrats react?
They sat, stone-faced and unfazed by the clear nationwide prosperity. Many refused to applaud, even for low female and minority unemployment rates.
Then Nancy Pelosi ripped her copy of the speech in half at its conclusion."

5. Everything You Need To Know About What Happened At The 2020 Iowa Caucuses And What's Next

By Jen Lambert

With the 2020 Iowa Caucuses finally over, the Democrats are onto New Hampshire and onward from there. Here's what happened in Iowa and what's next for the Democratic presidential hopefuls.

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How Technology Has Changed Our Lives

While we are all very dependant on technology, we are losing touch with humanity.

How Technology Has Changed Our Lives

If we look back on how our ancestors lived we can sense a totally different lifestyle. If they could come back and live with all our technological devices they surely would think they are in a completely new alien world. They lived such a simple life without our devices that it seems as if centuries have passed by. In reality most of the discoveries were accomplished in the past twenty years. Indeed we have assisted a total technological distortion. This change in our lives was characterized by a myriad of technological innovations, due to globalization.

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Why I Love Football

Why Is Football A Sport That Is So Celebrated Across The Nation?

College quarterback drops back to make pass as football season begins

It is the time of year when the athletic event of football tends to exhilarate fans across the Nation. Why is football a sport that is so celebrated across the Nation? Many times I have asked myself why I even love the game of football so much, especially being a female, but I came up with a few of the many reasons why football fans love the game. though this may not be everyone's reasons for loving the game, here are some reasons that I love football.

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Nostalgic Early 2000s Barbies: 34 Forgotten Treasures

For all the 90's babies and their obsession with Barbies.

Barbies on a display case

With Barbie mania overtaking society with the release of the new movie, here is some late 90's/early 2000's nostalgia for you in Barbie form.

It's sure to stir up old memories and unlock some good ones. And if you're feeling inspired by a particular toy but you don't remember where you put it, we've listed where you can find one today. You're welcome.

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Riots and Protests rock Paris and other French cities

Crazy European Summer

Riots and Protests rock Paris and other French cities
A 17 year old boy of North African origin was shot and killed by French police during a traffic stop on Tuesday. The police claimed they "feared for their lives" when the boy started driving away from them and opened fire, killing him.
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When DEI goes haywire

Shocking Revelation: Doctors Resort to Ethnicity-Based Prioritization in Medical Care

When DEI goes haywire
In a shocking move in New Zealand, surgeons must now consider ethnicity in prioritizing patients for operations.
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