Why Does Our Current World Not Work? | The Odyssey Online
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Why Does Our Current World Not Work?

If this planet could put a boot in your ... I think it would...

Why Does Our Current World Not Work?
Nick Lindsay

If the world had a foot, I am willing to bet it would boot us all simultaneously in our self-centered butts and straight into outer space. Right now the world is sobbing because we cannot learn to play nicely with one another.

Yes, when I say "us," I mean ALL OF US. To the ISIS members that take out civilians, to the rapists, to those who hate Planned Parenthood, including you homophobic heterosexual PDA-er and the churchgoers who claim to be "Christian" yet show no love for fellow humans. No one is perfect, including my definitely flawed self. While I am not one of the aforementioned slimeballs, my efforts to help better the world are small pebbles thrown at a giant wall of ignorance and violence; somewhere along another section of the wall, people are throwing pebbles at the ignorance I supply at times too. Why can't we all just focus on not building this wall in the first place?

Here is what you need to know: there is good and there is evil. Right now, I have spent the past week alone feeling physically ill any time I encounter a media source prominently displaying the latest heinous act to have occurred. Not a week has gone by in 2016 without an event that didn't make me shake my head in disbelief of society's inability to be kind. Yes, there has been good scattered about, but let's be honest: the media won't show you that.

Every cause deserves to be heard, but by God, I pray every day people would stop using their "differences" in such a cruelly advantageous manner for only themselves. Here's a thought for you; before you do anything with your differences, look at it from this perspective: are you using your height difference to grab apples from the tree for your friends and yourself, leaving the tree in peace once you've taken only what you need? Or are you taking all the apples and setting fire to the tree?

We've become so materialistic, so self-absorbed that we lost sight of what matters: our brothers and sisters that God blessed us with. You would not exist without them, and you know that as you read this. Ignorance is NOT bliss anymore. It got us into this whole mess. We stopped being proactive and started waiting for answers to fall in our laps. Those that did fall we took at face value. Stop taking things at face value and actually get to know the world you live within.

Ask your Islamic neighbor about his faith (because you probably fail to remember that natural curiosity can spark great friendships), check in on your female friends who can't get in an elevator of just men without the slightest case of heebie jeebies because recent events may have her scared. If your gay colleague wants to kiss his date goodnight, how dare you ruin his consensual fun. His lips aren't trying to occupy your lips, so it is not your concern. And do NOT tell me your skin color is superior to that of another's. We are beautiful because our experiences, passions, faith sets, backgrounds and everything about our genetic wiring as well, make us so wonderfully unique. Trying to conclude that your way is the only way causes whatever beauty you hold to tarnish, and if your beauty, such as your faith, is the same of another peer, well guess what? You just tainted their beauty with your own foulness.

God gave you and every other human of the past, present and future a rainbow for a reason. He promised to not destroy the earth, but instead of reveling in and being thankful for such a gift, we have gone ahead and begun to destroy it on our own accord. If each person laid down by skin tone in a symmetrical arch across from God's rainbow, the two would connect. God did not make us into rainbow colors because that variation of beauty already existed. Our neutral skin colors are supposed to compliment and emphasize what God freely placed on this planet for us to enjoy. If we bash each other's colors and the things we individually relate to within the original God-given rainbow, we will break the rainbow. Even one little chip at someone else's worthwhile existence causes the rainbow to crack.

I am tired of watching sharp words and actions crack such precious gifts. Let us all just stop being ignorant and use our differences to share apples with each other instead of throwing pebbles at our rainbow.

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