Curly hair is both a blessing and a curse. Ninety-five percent of the time it is an absolute joy to have, but the other five percent of the time you're on the struggle bus. Since curly hair isn't a majority trait, the people who possess it are often misunderstood. So if you have curly hair, here's something to relate to, and if you don't have curly hair, here's a glimpse of what living with curly hair is like.
1. The Ease
Wake up, shower, and go. There's rarely any brushing required, and any bad hairdo can be corrected with just a little bit of water. If you have curly hair and embrace it, your hair is probably one of the easiest things about getting ready, and it's also likely to be one of your favorite traits.
2. Brushing
THE PAIN. THE FRIZZ. THE HORROR. With curly hair, your brush is basically an awkward stranger to you. You rarely use it, because you don't really like looking like a Chow Chow, but when you do, it's a long and painful process. If you've ever teared up two minutes into brushing your hair because your brush is stuck, you probably have curls or some major waves. Also, you quickly learn that some brushes just do not work for you.
3. Shedding
Everyone sheds, let's face it. However, curly hair seems to shed a ridiculous amount. This might just be because when you find your hair EVERYWHERE, it's undeniably yours. People with curly or wavy hair probably do shed a lot more than anyone else, because they aren't using a brush as frequently to catch some of those strays which are later found on the floor, in your bed, and probably on your friends at one point or another.
4. Getting Stuck on Everything
I once got stuck by my hair on a clothes rack in Belk and needed my mom's assistance to get unstuck. It seems like a daily struggle of getting entwined with something unnatural. Car doors and seat belts are some of the most common places which just reach out and tie themselves into a knot with your hair. Be careful of any jewelry or clothing which has fasteners, because they are practically guaranteed to latch onto you by the hair.
5. "Do you ever straighten your hair?"
Some of us do, some of us don't, but if you have curly hair you know you're going to have to answer that question at least once a month. You probably have your answer memorized. Mine goes something like this, "My hair is unusually fine for curly hair, so it doesn't hold straight just as many people's hair won't hold curl."
6. Finding things in your hair
Curly hair = knots. That's the short way to put it so even if your hair isn't "that" curly, you get to always have that treasure chest which is your hair. Fuzz, crumbs, paperclips, wads of paper, and even pens are all among the usual things which easily latch onto curly hair for the ride.
7. Bumps. Bumps, everywhere.
Attempting to tame the curls into a ponytail? Unless you want to look like you greased your hair back, you're guaranteed at least one bump (aka uncrushed, emerging, stray curl). Eventually, you just accept that if you leave the bumps and waves, people will probably complement your "volume." Also, any bun is a messy bun. Curls have a mind of their own, and they definitely don't will themselves into a perfect donut bun ever. If you're like me, you realize that if you had smooth, tamed hair it wouldn't suit you, so you just really appreciate the curls you have.