Being a new college student, finals can seem intimidating. Taking an exam on months of material can seem nearly impossible for some difficult classes, but don't stress! Fortunately, finals fever has a cure, and we're here to help.
Organization is key
You've heard it again and again, and there is a reason why! Being organized can mean the difference of how productive you are while studying for finals. Make a schedule of when and where you will study for what classes, it can keep you on track and make sure that you are successful on all your exams.
Get a study group together
After all, the more brainpower, the better! While it is important to review alone so you are confident with the material individually, getting study buddies together is more helpful than you could expect. Bouncing ideas off of other people and being able to ask questions can mean the difference in how smoothly you absorb the material.
Talk to your professor (a lot!!!)
Nobody will be more beneficial than the person giving the exam! Your professor wants to hear from you, don't hold back. Questions about test formatting, the number of questions, and material can give you peace of mind while studying.
Take study breaks
It's impossible to be productive for hours on end. Taking breaks and keeping your mind refreshed is just as important as studying! Take five minutes every hour or so to let your brain refocus is key to having successful study sessions. Just don't get carried away, make sure you stop at an easy spot to jump right back into your studies!
Keep yourself motivated
You may want to give up more than once over the span of finals week, but the end is quickly approaching! Stay motivated and encourage yourself, you've worked all semester to make it to this! Treat yourself after a job well done and don't get down when a final doesn't go exactly to plan.