After a long weekend of going out with your friends, running around town shopping and getting your errands done, there is no better feeling than waking up on a Sunday. The expectations to enjoy a typical lazy Sunday are somewhat non-existent when attending college. Sunday's at school consist of hangovers, the harsh reality of all responsibilities you've avoided on the weekend, Chapter meetings, and basically trying to pick up the pieces to your life that are in shambles. Although you have so much responsibility to attend to, the only thing you want to do is go home to your family and enjoy a lazy Sunday before your week of classes and endless school work begins. The 'Sunday Blues' are more than common in college, and here a few reasons how to cure them:
FaceTime the family
Nothing will put a
smile on your face like seeing your family all together. Your mom will be
happy to see you're alive due to all the ignored calls from the weekend and FaceTiming is always a good excuse to see your
Have Sunday dinner with your roommates
Sunday dinner is the highlight of a long weekend with endless amounts of food and every single carb you can think of. Nothing will compare to your families, but sitting down with your roomies and having dinner and story time will be the second best thing along with making you feel a little less homesick.
Shopping cures everything, which should be a known fact by now. Take a trip to you and your mom's favorite store, go to the mall with your friends or even do some online shopping while lounging in your bed. It'll take your mind off of missing home, because you'll be too excited to wear your new outfits or anticipating the arrival of your packages.
Play with Puppies
In addition to shopping, no one can be sad when you play with puppies. When the Sunday blues hit you, take a trip to your local pet shop and play with the cutest pups before you begin your endeavors of homework, crying, and eating ramen.
Replicate your Sunday's at home
Do exactly what your normal Sunday at home consists of. Go to church, shopping, have a large cup of
coffee in bed, go for a run, anything that will give you a little sense of being home and happiness while you do it!
Or, simply go home
Because nothing is quite like a Sunday at home with your family, a bowl of pasta, and watching a movie while cuddling with your dog. There is something about the feeling of a Sunday that should always be spent at home with the family, but if you can't, hopefully, these will make your Sundays a little less blue.