12 Ways To Cure Rainy Day Boredom | The Odyssey Online
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12 Ways To Cure Rainy Day Boredom

Anymore it seems like rainy days are outnumbering sunny ones and if you're anything like me, you're in need of some things to do to keep you from going stir-crazy.

12 Ways To Cure Rainy Day Boredom

You finally get a day off from work and are so excited to see your friends. You check the weather and see the dreaded thunderbolt emoji. Instantly, your smile turns to a frown as your plans to go to the beach or explore the city are no longer possible. You find yourself scrambling for other things to do, but struggle to come up with ideas.

Here are some suggestions to make rainy days in the suburbs a little less boring and a lot more productive:

1. Clean up your social media accounts. 

Sure, you probably thought those pictures from freshmen year were cute when you first posted them, but looking back they may be kinda cringe-worthy now. Take this opportunity to delete/untag yourself from any unflattering or unprofessional pictures.

2. Update your resume. 

If you're anything like me, making changes to your resume isn't something you do on a daily basis. Rainy days are the perfect time to do this tedious task, putting you in a better position to receive employment opportunities.

3. Help your parents with chores around the house. As them if they need any errands run as well.

4. Clean your room. 

Go through your drawers and closets and get rid of any clothes that are too small or you don't see yourself wearing anymore. Consider making a donation pile as well.

5. Go on a food date with friends.

You may not be outside, but you'll be in good company with good eats.

7. Journal about your life. 

There are a lot of things you'll have to look back on and smile!

8. Hang out with your family.

It may be more fun than you think.

9. Look through your old yearbooks. 

10. Do something you haven't done in a while.

It's always enjoyable to pick up an old hobby and rekindle some old passions.

11. Go shopping for some new clothes or apartment decorations. 

A new chapter in your life means a new wardrobe and new decor to match.

12. FaceTime or call an old friend. 

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