You know the girl. It might even be you.
You know the girl who is confident and can sometimes be a savage? You know the girl who people sometimes mistake for being mean, having no filter, and telling it like it is? The girl who is always going to ride for her friends and she would die for them too? The same girl who can sometimes get really emotional, insults guys, and hates to say she's sorry?
Well here are just a few gifs that perfectly describe that girl with a whole lot of class and just a little bit of sass.
1. It started from an early age and quite possibly she was just born this way:
2. She doesn't let much bother her:
3. She can be sarcastic:
4. She loves to keep things interesting:
5. She knows how to make an entrance:
6. Even when she just woke up:
7. She has thick skin:
8. Your friends and maybe even your mom warn you not to mess with the sassy girl:
9. She is the Queen and she will put you in your place:
10. When she says "I told you so.":
11. When she meets new people and they see how much energy she has:
12. Especially guys:
13. She is confident:
14. She isn't afraid to claim that she has sass:
15. She isn't afraid to throw shade either:
16. You can tell that she is sassy even if you don't know her:
17. She always says things insinuating that she shouldn't be messed with:
18. 9/10 she's on #fleek:
19. She gets caught up on guys:
20. She always finds the right moments to make things known when she has a problem with someone:
21. Despite her differences she always sees the bright side of things:
22. When someone says her crush has a girlfriend in the group text:
23. She doesn't take anything from anyone:
24. How she feels whenever she is actually just sitting back and not speaking out:
25. You never know what side of her you're going to get:
26. When she has already eaten breakfast, lunch, two snacks, and dinner but her friends ask to meet for food:
27. She is passionate:
28. When her friends are being ratchet in public:
29. When she is talking to her bestie about their postgrad lives:
30. When someone she doesn't like walks into the room:
31. When any of her friends ask her why she's so dressed up:
32. When she has been talked to for too long:
33. She can sometimes be a little extra:
34. She has everything:
35. When she's single and goes home for one of her friend's weddings:
36. She is full of advice:
37. "Guuurl You Bettta Werk" is something she feels deep deep down inside of her veins:
38. People love her because she always tells the truth:
39. She has some tricks up her sleeve:
40. Her friends know the deal:
41. Sometimes she just can't help it:
42. She doesn't mind being called sassy, but I wouldn't recommend making a habit out of it:
43. She thinks any opportunity for a picture is a good one:
44. She loves her squad:
45. When you tell her she wasn't supposed to do something she's just like:
46. She has no filter:
47. It is just who she is:
48. "Me Too" is the theme song to her life, but chances are this is one thing she won't admit:
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