I know what you are thinking, nobody likes talking about cultural appropriation and even less want to recognize that it exists. However, this issue must be addressed, especially as Halloween is fast approaching. When you decide to dress in a sombrero or wear a kimono for a costume, it is not only just a costume for you, but it is creating microaggressions towards the culture you are choosing to represent poorly.
SEE ALSO: 11 Feminist Halloween Costumes You Don't Need Cleavage To Feel Sexy In
Everyone knows the concept of microaggressions and what it involves. However, many fail to see how microaggressions can come about through a costume. To clarify the point a little bit better, imagine that every costume with cultural implications that a person wears often exploits pre-existing stereotypes and biases, whether that be a "wild Indian" or an "exotic Dragon Lady."
However, what many do not understand is by using these stereotypes and creating microaggressions can cause further problems and marginalization towards these cultures. One such way is the fact that many Native American women are often raped by white men who come onto the land to hunt due to the fact they are often considered "wild," "exotic" and "endangered." These detrimental beliefs and misconceptions lead to men wanting Native American women in any way which often leads to rape.
So how does this relate to Halloween and costumes? Well, considering that many female costumes objectify women, a topic for a later date, this can lead to further romanticizing the idea of a culture which as we have seen with Native American women can lead to higher chances of being sexually assaulted by members of another racial or ethnic group.
So overall, besides it being a horrible idea of mocking a person's culture and turning it into a costume for a single night, culturally appropriated Halloween costumes come with a plethora of other negatives that are harmful to these cultures and their people. If we want to achieve an equal world where all racial and cultural groups feel valued, this is just one small step to achieve this goal but one that every person can easily do.