Cultural Appropriation: You're Doing It Wrong | The Odyssey Online
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Cultural Appropriation: You're Doing It Wrong

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Cultural Appropriation: You're Doing It Wrong

Lately you may have seen or heard a little about people getting worked up over what is called “Cultural Appropriation”. For some of us this will come as a bit of a joke, because I certainly did not understand it at first. This came to my attention when a video surfaced on the internet with a white female being accused of cultural appropriation for wearing dreadlocks. In response she brings to light the fact that many cultures have worn dreadlocks, including Ancient Egyptians, Germanic tribes, Greeks and Vikings. Our cultures are endlessly overlapping, most things cannot be traced back to one single culture. There have been countless stories of stars in the music and arts industry accused of cultural appropriation for decades, if not centuries. By definition, Cultural Appropriation is the adoption or use of elements of one culture by members of a different culture. These elements typically include dance, dress, music, language, folklore, cuisine, traditional medicine, religious symbols, etc. For accuracy purposes I looked up the definition of appropriation. Appropriation is the action of taking something for one’s own use, typically without the owner’s permission. (Both found in google search)

Culture is defined as the way of life of a group of people, the beliefs, customs, arts, etc., of a particular society, group, place, or time. This would imply that the elements of a culture are owned by that one culture. A culture who must give permission for the use of their customs or beliefs. The idea of cultural appropriation seems to conclude that multiple cultures do not or cannot share the same characteristics. How can this be?

Can any American, in the melting pot of the world, be accused of cultural appropriation over their style? People are being slammed for their choice of hairstyle, clothing, makeup, costumes, shoes, dance, singing genre, decor, the list goes on. These things are a form of expression and in America we are entitled to express ourselves freely. Most people are not intentionally trying to offend others by their choice of style or costume, therefore I do not feel this is a fair example of cultural appropriation. We cannot expect a variety of cultures to be poured into this single pot, brew for hundreds of years, and not form a new flavor. Your culture is a result of your environment. In America we are raised with people of many different cultures. Our friends, relatives and parents more than likely have many cultural differences. The customs and beliefs you pick up on throughout life become like second nature to you and eventually become part of your culture. You will pass them down to the next generation. Just because they originated from another culture does not make them any less your culture.

During segregation , when blacks weren't accepted in society, record labels had white people copy the sound of the minorities' original art form, Jazz. This eventually was what turned into Rock and roll, the greatest music art form to this day, (I think). I can see how this is oppressing. “A deeper understanding of cultural appropriation also refers to a particular power dynamic in which members of a dominant culture take elements from a culture of people who have been systematically oppressed by that dominant group.” White people were intentionally being offensive to blacks during this time in history. Their oppression is a shame and the way they thought is absurd. That is a fair example of cultural appropriation.

The NFL team, Washington Redskins, are being targeted by Indigenous Activists who cry “Cultural Appropriation” on their Indian mascot, for good reason. The term “Redskins” represents an American Indian and was used in a time of inhumane genocide committed by Americans. Native Americans and their culture was not simply oppressed, they have every right to feel offended by what was done to them. This does not mean the Washington NFL is in any way out to offend an American Indian. They are part of our culture now. There are many people making sure to give credit where credit is due, or trying their best to spread awareness. Our generation grew up learning about the atrocious things our country has done to other cultures and minority groups. We have grown as a species, in that, most people realize we should all be treated equal. With the exception of a small rotten percentage who are an embarrassment to the human race. Funny how they call it that, huh? The human race, we are all human of a different race, but a race is a competition. Almost as though we are designed to compete against one another.

Today in America 2016, where we grew up thinking segregation was a thing of the past, many are starting to see segregation resurfacing: Or did it ever leave? There is always one culture, group or race who will be viewed as superior. Who determines that? Who ever is oppressing the minority group, I suppose. There is still oppression all over the world today. Oppression is being subject to unjust treatment or control. Almost everyone is oppressed in some way or another. Whether it be by your gender, religion, race, sexuality, government, status or career, you are not alone. I prefer to call us human beings. Being is the existence of something, the nature or essence of a person. We exist together, so why is it so hard to be at peace with each other? To do so we must stop pointing fingers and start shaking hands. Cultural appropriation is real, but is being misused today as a social crutch to reinforce segregation. Why are we holding on to the past discord instead of creating future alliances? Instead of insulting someone’s style for cultural appropriation why not thank them for cultural appreciation? Before shaming someone for offending your culture, consider their reasoning, the severity of the offense and whether you may be offending them, in turn. Culture is not defined in color, but in spirit. Race is defined by physical characteristics, spirit is defined by our character, thoughts and attitudes. Knowledge is power. Ask them about their inspiration, and if you're offended by their lack of cultural history, inform them! You may bring light to something they never considered. Then again, you may have something in common!

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