It's cold outside, and you know what that means: IT'S CUFFING SEASON!
Here are some date ideas for you and your winter bae.
1. Go to a bakery and eat pastries
You would be surprised how cheap pastries are. This past week I went to a bakery and shared a chocolate croissant, sticky bun, and cinnamon twists all for five dollars. It was great. It's cheaper than ice cream gelato or dinner, and it's definitely a different idea since no one really goes to bakeries anymore.
2. Go ice skating!
Stock, I know, but this calls for some great time together outside and even with a group. You can go on a double/group date with everyone to an ice skating rink and get hot chocolate after.
3. Go on a run around a local park
It might be way too cold where you are, so this might not work for you, but if the weather is mild where you're at then you should go to a park and enjoy the outdoors! Seriously though, go for a run instead of eating out all the time if you two like to workout at all. You could also run at the gym together if the weather outside is too cold and snowy for you.
4. Stay in and watch video game walk-throughs
Netflix and chill is SO overrated, especially now that you're in a committed relationship. Honestly some of the best story lines are in video games, and if your S/O is into playing them: watch! If they're not, simple fix, watch them on YouTube. My personal favorites are any of the Bioshocks, Half Life (old school, I know), or Fall Out games.
5. Bake something/make a meal together
Eating out all the time has a lot of added tasks to it. You have to decide who's driving, find parking, walk to the restaurant if it's in a city, etc. Just stay in and try a new meal together. It's even more fun if you make it together. You can also make the meal in your pajamas together, and honestly that's the best part.
There are so many things to do now that it's winter. If you're single, don't worry, you can do this all with your friends! Cuffing season is upon us though, so if you're ever wondering what to do: here it is!