Pack up your sundresses and booty shorts and pull out the heavy sweaters and leggings. The wind is becoming cooler as the pile of fallen leaves grow day by day. Just like those leaves, expect your social media followers to post more and more every day about the return of cuffing season.
No. I am not talking about cuffing in your BDSM fantasy, I am talking about the autumnal couples.
For those who are not aware of this additional season of the year, the Urban Dictionary defines cuffing season as:
"During the Fall and Winter months people who would normally rather be single or promiscuous find themselves along with the rest of the world desiring to be "Cuffed" or tied down by a serious relationship. The cold weather and prolonged indoor activity causes singles to become lonely and desperate to be cuffed."
Thats it! The Tender-era, hook up generation started a millennial trend for the soul searchers of single-hood. Giving these individuals a reason to love, based on seasons. When Its cold and we need someone else's body to keep us warm during the cool Fall nights and freezing Winters eve, it is time to cuff. The schedule is:
If you are currently looking to be cuffed, congratulations! You made it past the dreaded tryouts and you are now entering the G- League draft, or not. During this draft period consider:
1. To be cuffed or to cuff
Cuffing season is not exclusive to a specific construct of single-hood. It is for everyone. If you are feeling the chill and need someone to warm you up or keep your genitals from getting frostbite, be open to cuff or be cuffed.
2. Who are you cuffing?
Typically, this individual is a friend, someone you have seen around and consider a person with potential to cuff. Alternatively, you can settle for the good ol swipe, swipe, pass on Tinder. Personally, I find Twitter to be a useful dating tool. There is no need to read through the long, typically boring about me sections. Shooting your shot in a Twitter DM is the way to go! If not through the accessible social media outlets, meeting your next cuff at a bar or club never fails.
3. Why are you cuffing
Based on a poll conducted by dating app Hinge, 15 percent of men and 5 percent of women were on the prowl for relationships during the winter months. This not the time to get into a relationship just to put a band-aid over your fears of loneliness or insecurities. Contemplate about whether you are cuffing for a temporary lover or your human snuggie. Decide if they are a seasonal friends with benefits or potentially a long term relationship partner.
4. Maintain your standards
Inserts know your worth quote*. Do not succumb to looking to be cuffed or cuffing because everyone else around you is dating and enjoying the season. This is when you fall into dropping your standards just to find someone to fill the void. You have 30 days of draft period to find someone of your standards.
The air is becoming crisp, the leaves are turning, and you are ready to cuddle up with some one to keep you warm. You have made it to the draft and as you are moving towards pre-season, consider whether you are open to be cuffed or to cuff. Be sure of who you are cuffing and why you are cuffing. Do not settle just to fill the void, know your worth this draft period. Hope to see you through the pre-season.
Tis' the season to be cuffed!