Ever since my freshman year, I have come to understand that whatever shoes you are in when you enter a fraternity house, they will be dirty when you come out. So in light of shoes and fraternities, I thought it would be humorous to create an article based off of fraternities at CU and what they would be if they could be represented as shoes. Obviously, this article is not supposed to be taken quite seriously so enjoy a laugh as you scroll!
Alpha Sig: Crocs
Alpha Delta Phi: Sketchers
Acacia: Heely's
Alpha Gamma Omega (AGO): Merrells
Alpha Epsilon Pi (AEPi): Birkenstocks
Chi Psi: Louis Vuitton Loafter
Sigma Pi (Sig Pi): Dirty White Converse
Delta Kappa Epsilon (DKE): Puma Suede Classic Shoe
Kappa Sig: Brown Sperry's
Phi Kappa Tau (Phi Tau): Adidas Neo
Pi Kappa Alpha (Pike): Rag & Bone Standard Issue High Top
Pi Kappa Phi (Pi Kapp): Soccer Cleats
Phi Kappa Psi (Phi Psi): White New Balance sneakers
Sigma Alpha Epsilon (SAE): Some rad black Vans
Sigma Phi Epsilon (Sig Ep): Nike Flex
Sigma Nu: Polo Faxon Casual sneaker
Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE): Fila Toe Shoes
Theta Xi: Timberlands
Zeta Beta Tau: Chacos
(I'd like to give credit to Alex Ruiz for the inspiration of this article.)