Am I the only person who remembers taking a computer science class in elementary school? In this class, we played educational games, learned how to use the computer, and learned how to type. It was actually one of my favorite classes because it was almost like a second recess. I was enthused by learning how to type because it used to be a dream of mine as a child to be able to type super fast without looking at the keyboard or using my pointer fingers to type… I know, it sounds lame of me *shrugs* but look at me now, I'm blogging.
Truthfully, the only thing I can remember learning in that class was the ctrl+alt+del command, which brought up the task manager and allowed you to terminate a program that wasn't responding or, "froze up."
Remembering this command actually got me thinking…
Hmmm, maybe I should ctrl+alt+delete the things in my life that are "not responding."
because essentially, those things are dead weight and are slowing down my process of growth. Specifically speaking, some people need to be terminated! They've got to go.
Have you ever been on a computer and had to terminate a program? & then after terminating that program that wasn't responding, you noticed how fast the internet was running or how fast another program you were using was running? That's literally what it feels like to let go of the people who are "not responding." I think we all have those relationships with people that we hold on to that don't really benefit us in any way. In fact, they don't benefit us at all. They are full of stress, heartbreak, hurt feelings, negativity, and all the other things that slow down your progress .
On the computer, it's simple to just press the buttons, bring up task manager, and terminate the program. But in real life, there's a little more to it. Essentially, we have to break down each component of ctrl+alt+del. Watch me work…
Control: To take control simply means to take charge. Take charge of whatever situation has proven to be unbeneficial to you and where you're headed in life. Whatever that situation may be, cut its source of power off and take control of it. You have the say so for what you will allow for it to do in your life.
Alternate:To alternate is to replace with another, to substitute. Clearly, whatever this burdening situation is, it's not working out. I know that cutting people off or ending dead situations is not always the easiest thing to do. Loyalty runs deep, man. But there has to be a breaking point. Should you find yourself being complaisant, find an alternative way for this situation to work in a beneficial way. In my particular situation, I'm willing to be friends with this person, than to try to be anything more than friends. Being more than friends just wasn't healthy, but as friends, we have the potential to have something great. See how that works out?
Delete: To delete means to remove or erase. It's just that simple. After taking control and finding an alternative, or, taking control and deciding an alternative doesn't work, there comes the choice to delete. If said situation is still "not responding" even after trying to fix it and make it better (because task manager doesn't always work), then let it go. It serves no purpose if it's only slowing you down and stopping the process.
There comes a point when rationality takes control and your feelings are pushed aside. Taking time to actually assess the things that are going on in your life, the things that are not bringing you happiness, or the things that are going against your current – is important. We should all know this by now. At the end of the day, the goal is to live a life that works in your favor. Any noun that threatens that has to go. Don't be afraid to ctrl+alt+del in real life.