You were my rock.
He was my water.
He covered you.
The beauty of the rippling water around me
Side tracked me
From what I really wanted.
I occasionally caught a glimpse of the clear crystal below my eyes,
And the water would then soon whisk me away
Down, and down the river.
I dug my hand deep down in the frigid rapids to try and grab that rock,
But it was just out of reach.
I never gathered why it wouldn’t let me catch it.
I dove into the water after the rock.
With one hand still clutching the boat,
I managed to wrap my pale fingers around it.
I was allured. It captivated me.
I would never let it go.
The water became tempestuous rapids.
It tore the rock from my weak hands.
I watched,
Shivering and falling
Further below the water
As it took the rock away.
It was gone.
I soon realized
That the rock
Didn’t want to be found.
Sometimes, it can be so easy to become distracted by things that we think really matter in our lives. We become side-tracked by their charm and get carried away from things of real value. Suddenly, when these really important things start to disappear, we realize this is what we really wanted, what we really needed. But it’s often too late; we can’t retrieve them, and we have to let them go.
If we’re lucky, we’ll get a second chance, another time, another place. When that time comes, hopefully we’ll remember to recognize true value. In the meantime, we can be consoled that experience, as painful as it can be, is a necessary and important teacher. When things are meant to be, the time will be right.