Crystal and Mala Uses in Yoga | The Odyssey Online
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Enhance Your Yoga Practice

How to Use and Select Crystals and Malas for Your Yoga Practice

Enhance Your Yoga Practice

How to Use and Select Crystals and Malas for Your Yoga Practice

The use of crystals and malas during a yoga flow is not a new practice, but it is one that is becoming more popular among yogis from beginner to the most advanced. Yoga is seen as one of the best ways to connect your mind, body, and soul. The Bhagavad Gita states that "Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self." Yoga is such a spiritual and intimate practice that leads to self-discovery that when you add in the use of healing crystals and sacred malas, you will enter into your own personal nirvana. Crystals and malas help one to discover new ways to connect to their spirituality. If you're new to the use of crystals and malas in your yoga practice, we have put together a few ways you can incorporate them and how best to selected those that are most suited for you to begin your new journey towards self-discovery and spiritual bliss.

How to Use Crystals and Malas During Your Yoga Practice

1.Different crystals represent different chakras that are connected to various points on the body. Hold a stone within your closed palm and meditate during a specific yoga pose on healing that particular chakra or location in your body.

2.Use your mala during the restorative part of your yoga practice, most commonly the meditation portion. You can sit with your legs crossed and hold each bead in your hand while you focus on one thing you are most grateful for. Do this for every bead until the restorative practice is over or you have reached the end of your beads.

3.Place certain crystals around you during your yoga practice. Select stones that are significant to whatever you are working towards improving or healing. Place these stones around your yoga mat or in front of you where they will be in plain sight for you to focus upon.

4.Assign a mantra to your mala. When you assign a specific mantra to your mala, you can use these both during your practice as tools to help you remain focused.

5.Wear a piece of crystal jewelry. It can be a necklace or a bracelet, as long as it has a crystal on it that you can feel and bring attention to during your yoga flow.

6.Align certain crystals with the appropriate chakra and place them onto your body during your savasana or corpse pose. During your savasana, focus on the crystal and chakra point you have selected then meditate on what you want to heal within that particular area.

7.Wear a mala with a significant crystal. When you are holding certain poses, take the time to hold that crystal within your hand and focus on the qualities the crystal possesses and how you can use that in your practice.

8. Create a crystal grid in front of your yoga mat. Select 4 crystals that have healing properties you desire during your practice. You must select one clear quartz crystal for the center of the grid and 4 of each crystal you wish to work with.Place clear quartz in the center and then align the selected crystals in a row pointing in each cardinal direction.

How to Select the Perfect Crystals for Your Yoga Practice

When it comes to selecting the perfect crystal for your yoga practice, it all depends on what you're trying to heal or focus on. Use your intuition when making your selection. The crystal will speak to you, so listen and focus on what you're trying to accomplish. Here is a list of popular healing crystals and their uses.

Amethyst: Known for its stress relief qualities, amethyst is one of the most popular crystals used during yoga practices. This crystal can help relieve stress and fatigue, improve the immune system, and promote good dreams.

Clear Quartz: Clear quartz is best known for its amplification qualities. These specific qualities make it perfect for manifesting intentions.

Rose Quartz: Filled with gentle energy, rose quartz is excellent to use during your yoga practice to help promote a sense of love. This crystal can help open up your mind and body to loving energy that can help ease tensions in relationships or heal heartbreak.

Selenite: Widely known for its protective qualities, selenite is also used to help clear and recharge the mind or even other crystals. This crystal is excellent for blocking negative energy which makes it an excellent crystal to incorporate into your daily yoga flow.

Jade: Jade has such a heightened level of serenity making it perfect to use if you're searching for self-acceptance or inner calm.

Kaynite: Known for being a crystal that can recharge itself, kainite helps block off negative energy. Kaynite is also used to help you vibrate on a higher level, making your practice much more intimate and spiritual.

Obsidian: Obsidian is another crystal that is used for protection. This crystal is also known to help sharpen your focus both internally and externally, helping find clarity.

Agate: Vibrating on a more mellow frequency, agate is perfect to use for a gentle yoga flow. Agate is a less powerful crystal that promotes a sense of stability within.

Bloodstone: Known to help restore the body and mind, bloodstone is the perfect crystal to use when you are going through troubled times. This crystal will help you regain strength.

Citrine: Citrine is a beautiful yellow stone that is known for helping you manifest your goals. This crystal is popular in yoga because it also has an energizing quality that enables you to feel energized and more cheerful.

Moonstone: Moonstone is known for bringing a vast abundance to your life. This crystal helps to enhance your hopes, sensitivity, and psychic abilities.

Rhodonite: Known for its powerful healing properties for relationship problems, rhodonite is the perfect crystal to use during your yoga practice if you are in need of emotional support and guidance.

Black Tourmaline: Known for blocking negative energy and bad vibrations, black tourmaline is the perfect stone to use during your yoga practice. This stone helps you raise your positive energy and cultivates more abundance in your life.

How to Select the Right Mala for Your Yoga Practice

When it comes to selecting the right mala for your yoga practice, much like the selection of crystals, use your intuition. Keep in mind that a mala will represent something different for every unique individual. That's why it's important to focus on letting the right mala speak to you. Depending on what you are hoping to accomplish within your yoga practice, selecting the right mala can be as easy as holding the strand of scared beads within your hand and letting it guide you. Embrace this process, and the perfect mala will find a way to speak to you letting you know that it is meant to be yours.

There are several different types of malas to consider when making your selection. Malas range from traditional whose beads are typically made from Rudraksha seeds, lotus seeds, sandalwood, or wood to healing whose beads are made from gemstones. Malas usually have 108 beads, a guru, and a tassel.Malas can be worn as either a necklace or a bracelet depending on the type you select. Again, it all depends on what you are specifically in search of to help enlighten your journey.

If you are looking for a more grounding experience in your yoga practice, think of selecting a mala with a grounding gemstone on it such as smoky quartz or agate.

You can also select a mala based on its look and the texture. Different colors can represent different chakras you are working on, and different textures can bring a tactile element into your practice.

These are all important things to think about when making the selection of the perfect mala. For more help selecting your mala, visit us here at our website. Artisan Malas is the ideal place for you to browse and choose a mala that is excellent for your individual needs. These handcrafted malas are the addition you need for your practice, no matter if you are a beginner or the most advanced yogi. Artisan Malas are designed with you in mind to help spread positivity and happiness through every mala they create. Allow your yoga practice to be filled with spiritual bliss by selecting one of their beautifully handcrafted pieces to use on your journey.

Yoga is a beautiful journey to self-discovery and an intimate feeling, unlike anything. That's why we encourage the use of crystals and malas within your yoga practice as a way to help heighten your vibrations and enhance this spiritual journey. We invite you to use the tips and ideas in this article when using and selecting crystals and malas for your yoga practice. Namaste.

"Yoga is not just repetition of few postures – it is more about the exploration and discovery of the subtle energies of life."

–Amit Ray

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