"Looking for answers, you need a way out
You've been trapped in that trial full of sorrow and doubt
You saw a trickle of sunlight, but you found no escape
Just hold on to His promises; He said He'd make a way
He'll make a way in the middle of nowhere
When it seems no one really cares, He is there by your side
He'll make a way when you feel Satan close in
Don't give up; don't give in
He'll make a way right on time"
On days and nights when I feel like the world is shattering and caving in, I force myself to look up and shout God's Holy, powerful name. Sometimes the precious fact of Heaven cannot ease my pain; sometimes I cannot simply tell myself that none of this will matter after I pass and join my Heavenly Father's side. Therefore, these trying times are the hardest to steadfastly overcome. Crying may seem like complaining, but your tears can also be your salvation. When you cry out to The Lord and let Him in, redemption is hungrily at your fingertips. God knows your every pain, weakness, tear - He's simply waiting for you to ask for His never-ending help. You have most likely heard the saying, "You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink." The same goes for God's children. He can lead you to happiness, but that does not necessarily mean that you will willingly accept it. The Lord has granted us free will, or the right to choose whatever path we most greatly desire. Therefore, the power to choose the right one is left in our own fleshly, mortal hands. At times, I, myself, am guilty of denying the path to peace. I find myself broken down in tears over worldly misfortunes I have experienced both in the past and in the present. Throughout these times, I always seem to cry out to my Father, describing, in depth, my pain and suffering, knowing each and every time that all I have to do is simply give my sadness over to His eagerly open hands. However, during certain trials I find it hard to simply deny myself my own manmade misery. It's as if I want to feel the pain, like the tears are going to wash the hurt away — the salty drops are sometimes my own watery purification. However, all the while I still continue to shout His all-consuming name. I praise Him; I ask His advice; I let Him know that I'm choosing to hurt – that's all He truly needs to hear. What I am attempting to portray is the knowledge that God's children do not have to suffer over the trials of the immoral world. Simply asking The Father for help, or to take the pain that is irrationally harboring your chest, is the only justification He needs for intervening. Cry out to God with your arms stretched toward Heaven. Feel the blood of Jesus Christ cascade down your body in waves of unyielding forgiveness and peace; experience the Holy Ghost's fire burning through your skin from the tip of your raised fingers to the bottom of your bare feet. If you are faithful in The Lord's power, your momentary depression will be immediately wiped clean. Trust in His love for you.