A Response To The Crunchyroll 2016 Anime Awards: Part One | The Odyssey Online
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A Response To The Crunchyroll 2016 Anime Awards: Part One

Because 2016 wasn't as bad as we all thought...

A Response To The Crunchyroll 2016 Anime Awards: Part One
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Every year anime shows debut hoping to make a large impact on the otaku community and 2016 was no exception. It ended up being one interesting year for anime, with many series taking people by surprise or turning them away entirely. As for myself, 2016 brought me back into the anime fold. I had the pleasure of experiencing a diverse group of anime from horror to comedy to romance.

Crunchyroll recently released their anime nominees for 2016 and while voting has ended, I thought I would list my favorites from each category. With 14 categories to cover, this article will be the first of two, addressing the first seven categories and leading up to the Anime of the Year.

Now, enter the Crunchyroll 2016 anime nominees:

1. Best Ending

I am torn between three endings that made it onto my playlist during 2016.

The first one being ninelie performed by Aimer feat. chelly (EGOIST), with music and lyrics by Hiroyuki Sawano. This ending stuck with me from the very first episode of Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress. The vocals are stunning and the music ethereal. It suits the dark atmosphere of this apocalyptic series, and provides a soothing alternative to the riveting opening. I hear it and immediately think of Ikoma and Mumei fighting the Kabane, side by side.

My second favorite ending of the 2016 season comes from MOB PYSCHO 100. I must admit, this ending was a pleasant surprise. I wasn’t too drawn to the opening of the series, but Refrain Boy by All Off was an instant joy. With music and lyrics by Hirokazu Ebata, this ending might just have the most replays of all the songs on my anime playlist.

And my third top ending is You Only Live Once performed by Wataru Hatano, from the anime, Yuri!!! on Ice. The beat to this song is extremely catchy; there’s no other way to put it. It’s fun, exciting and makes me feel like dancing. There’s no doubt that this ending made a big impression and I can’t help wanting to share it.

2. Best Opening

Not as tough as best ending, of course. Only two anime openings from 2016 made it onto my personal playlist: Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress by EGOIST and History Maker by Dean Fujioka, from Yuri!!! on Ice.

These are both great songs that suit the anime they accompany and stay with you long after you reach the final episodes.

3. Best Action

A few action anime-made appearances in 2016 and Cruncyroll nominated for this category: My Hero Academia, Drifters, Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress and MOB PSYCHO 100. All great choices. But my personal favorite of the year was Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress; and most specifically, this scene, where Mumei takes out a bunch of Kabane on her own. Girl power that is both graceful and bad ass is right up my alley.

4. Best Couple

Sadly, I did not have an immediate choice for best anime couple of the year. 2016 wasn’t about romance for me, especially where anime was concerned. I spent more time watching shows strictly for story and plot, versus shipping. But because this is a response to the 2016 Anime Awards, I am going to go with Satoru and Kayo from Erased.

I enjoyed these two characters and the context within which their relationship developed. Although romance didn’t quite blossom between them in the end, their strong bond of friendship struck me as endearing. The Christmas tree scene is all too memorable, am I right?

5. Drama of the Year

Again, my favorite anime within this category was A-1 Pictures' Erased. This anime evoked a lot of curiosity following the release of the trailer. Subsequently, after sitting through 12 episodes of thought-provoking story, I was left wanting more.

Without giving away major spoilers, let’s just say that this anime incorporates a bunch of dramatic twists and turns that solidify it as a must-watch mystery thriller.

6. Best Comedy

Haven’t You Heard? I’m Sakamoto! This counts as one of the most absurd anime to debut in 2016. Don’t believe me? Just watch the first episode.

There's nothing complex to grasp about this series. It doesn't attempt to be anything other than an ongoing gag. And yet, it still manages to take you on quite a wild ride.

Sakamoto is by far one of the most ridiculous characters ever created to star as the hero in a high school comedy. He is the male equivalent of a Mary Sue - ideal but unrealistic. That said, he's not to be taken seriously.

Being of the Bishounen variety, Sakamoto is attractive, sophisticated, charming and intelligent. A certified prince, adored by a swarm of female fans that constantly swoon over him. Although always unpredictable, Sakamoto can be relied upon to effortlessly combat high school struggles with generous amounts of swag.

His talent to sail through each episode of the series without sullying his flawless image is coveted by everyone around him. Unfortunately, no matter how hard they try to squash his immaculate persona, Sakamoto hilariously foils their attempts by transforming some of his greatest enemies into fans.

Entertaining, and at times bizarre, this anime will make you wonder, “What the heck am I watching?” But even then, you won’t be able to stop.

7. Most Heartwarming

Kayo’s first home cooked meal from episode nine of Erased is without a doubt the most heartwarming scene from 2016. I felt myself crying with her when she first laid eyes on that warm breakfast that had been lovingly prepared for her by Satoru's mom.

After being made aware of her backstory, I knew just how much it meant to her to meet people who cared about her well-being. Her emotional and (somewhat) unexpected reaction restored my faith in humanity.

So many of us take what we have for granted. But for a girl like Kayo who never had that kind of luxury, her first home cooked meal turned out to be not only something to cry over, but a memory she cherished with all her heart.

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