Just some feelings we all have on race day.
1. When you wake up from a bad night of sleep.
How much time until my race and how much can I eat without feeling like I'm going to puke?
3. When you do the triple check.
Uniform, spikes, watch, trainers, lucky socks. Check, check, check, check, check.
4. When you are almost late to your bus because you checked for a fourth time.
Please just let me get on.
5. When you finally get to sit on the bus and listen to music.
We all have those songs that gets us in the grove.
6. When you get to the meet and have to wait in the bathroom line.
Why does every bus have to arrive at the same time?
7. When you walk back to your tent and assess the competition.
They're wearing bummers, so they're definitely fast.
8. When you finally start warming up and you have to put on a game face.
Nervous, excited, and ready to go.