Hello anyone and everyone who reads my articles!
I usually like to keep my articles as a safe place, away from my complaining, but this week I just couldn't help but to open up the b*tch box for a few minutes.
I have heard so much lately, on my social media sites, and through random people I encounter on a daily basis that "fat" people cannot wear crop tops... OK WHAT?!
First of all, who is to determine what exactly "fat" is? I know that just about every girl on this planet, even the one's who weigh 110 pounds, call themselves fat. So what is fat, huh? Fat isn't a category that you can just push somebody into because they aren't deemed physically appealing by your ridiculous set of personal standards. There, I said it.
Second of all, last time that I checked, you do not have the right to tell a stranger or even somebody that you know what they can, or cannot, put on their body. You have absolutely no control, no say, no relevance in the situation. Why are you so unhappy with your own life that you feel the need to scour around looking for somebody vulnerable to attack? Why must you feel the obligation to tell somebody that their body isn't meant for a certain article of clothing? Goodness gracious.
On my third note, which also happens to be my favorite, did you ever take a second to realize that these "fat girls" who are wearing these crop tops actually purchased these crop tops in a store? The point here being that these tops that you feel aren't meant for this specific body type actually came in a size for her to purchase at a clothing store (gasp)! That must mean that, wait, these girls are allowed to wear crop tops?
If you don't want to wear a crop top, you don't have to, and that's the beauty of America. But just because you don't want someone else to wear one for some reason doesn't mean that they are going to listen to you. They shouldn't listen to you.
If you're a girl and you're feeling hesitant about wearing a crop top?
But really, you're a total babe and no one can take that away from you. Wear whatever makes you feel happy and confident. You go girl.
a fat girl who loves wearing crop tops