When I was an innocent kid, I adored my stuffed animals and toy blocks. I marveled at the potential behind such a simple object. It was incredible to witness one ordinary block transform into an engineered masterpiece. Whether treasuring the countless adventures shared with my stuffed dog or designing the next skyscraper for my fictional city, objects possess the impressive ability to convert boredom into profound entertainment. Nevertheless, this particular capacity for happiness bears harmful affects when misused. Nowadays, social media dictates the priorities within our daily lives. Instead of responsibly studying for the next big test, individuals surrender to the harmful habits derived from excessive internet usage. Facebook and Instagram trump academic success and genuine relationships. Twitter and Snapchat appeal more than sincere conversations with family and friends. Social media is advancing in a destructive direction while providing a false sense of acceptance and entertainment. The following examples illustrate various signs of unhealthy internet habits.
1. The number of likes
outclass the number of genuine relationships.
I am always surprised when people dedicate endless hours toward achieving "likes" instead of channeling such precious time and energy toward lasting relationships.
2. The compulsive need to check every social media outlet excessively each minute.
No matter your hectic schedule or looming priorities, social media isn't going anywhere but your sense of what matters most is leaving in a hurry.
3. Criticizing an opinion simply because it differs from your own.
Every individual bears the right to appropriately voice their opinions regarding any topic. Instead of attacking one another's beliefs, start by embracing a new perspective with profound respect.
4. Rely on filters and other features for emotional reassurances.
Whether Snapchat's use of filters or the ability to adjust your physical appearance through similar apps, individuals are conceding to societal norms rather than feeling confident with your own individuality. P.S. no filter or change of lighting will make you more beautiful than you already are.
5. Conversations revolving solely around social media updates or viral posts.
Society is teeming with interesting topics of discussion that fail to be expressed due to the overwhelming number of senseless viral conversations. Instead of conversing about the hottest posts or popular videos, challenge yourself to communicate about world issues or more concerning topics.