Hotlines provide individuals with the help and resources they may need. They are confidential and are only needed for emotional support, as well as a resource for outside help. Among these specific topics, the United Way Crisis Helplines 1(800)233-HELP is a general crisis helpline for everyone.
Domestic Violence HotlinesÂ
National Domestic Violence Hotline: (800)799-7233. Helps victims and survivors of domestic violence.
Childhelp Hotline: 1-800-4-A-Child. Helps children who have became victims of neglect, molestation, and abuse.
Women Helping Women Hotline: (808)579-9581. Provides crisis intervention, safety planning, and shelter placement.
Adult Protective Services and Elder Abuse Hotline: (800)222-8000. Adult Protective Services assist vulnerable and elder adults to stop and prevent abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
Family Violence Prevention Program: (218)766-1741. Helps the victim and the family affected by family violence in gaining freedom from violence and abuse.
Children and Parenting HotlinesÂ
Child Find of America: 1(800)426-5678. Offers a mediation hotline. Begin the custody process immediately and get temporary custody of your child. Also brings missing and abducted children home, and prevents and resolves the family conflicts that can lead to child abduction and abuse.
National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies: 1(202)393-5501. Provides resources of child care needs of families and communities. You will be able to file a report where it will be forwarded to a law enforcement agency for investigation and action.
Children of Alcoholics Foundation: 1(212)595-5810. Advocates for all children and families adversely impacted by alcohol or drug use in the family.
National Association of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies: 1(202)393-5501. Provides resources of child care needs of families and communities.
Parents of Murdered Children, Inc.: 1(888)818-7662. Helps for families and friends who have lost children to murder.
Mental Illness/Self-Harm
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1(800)273-TALK. Provides support for people in suicidal crisis or emotional distress.
Mental Health Info Source: 1(800)447-4474. Mental Health Resources and Information.
Self Cut: 1(800)-DONT-CUT. Provides help for those who cut.
Eating Disorder Helpline: (866)224-2040. Provides information about signs, symptoms and treatment options.
Pregnancy & AbortionÂ
After Abortion Care Helpline: 1(866)482-LIFE. Provides emotional support after your abortion.
Crisis Pregnancy Help Line: 1(800)672-2296. Provides support and resources for unplanned pregnancies.
National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence, Inc.: 1(800)NCA-CALL. Places those struggling with alcohol and other substance abuse issues in touch with helpful local resources.
National Association for Children of Alcoholics: (800)358-3456. Advocates for all children and family members impacted by alcohol or drug use in the family.
The National Council on Problem Gambling Helpline: 1(800)522-4700. Offers support for problem gamblers and their family members.
Sex Addicts Anonymous: 1(877)975-5444. SAA follows the 12-step tradition and guides you into treating your addiction.
Chronic Illness/DisabilityÂ
American Cancer Society: 1(800)227-2345. Provides emotional support, information, and day-to-day help.
Parkinson's Foundation Helpline: 1(800)4PD-INFO. Trained Parkinson's disease information specialists provide up-to-date information about Parkinson's, referrals to healthcare professionals, emotional support, community resources and a wide variety of free publications.
Americans With Disabilities: 1(800)949-4232. Provides emotional support for those suffering from a disability.
Well Spouse Association: (800)838-0879. Offers options for caregivers to receive education, support, and networking.
The Trevor Project: 1(866)488-7386. Provides live help to LGBTQ youth.
National Runaway Safeline: 1(800)RUN-AWAY. Provides help for people who have ran away, homeless, or are at-risk.
National Call Center for Homeless Veterans: 1(877)-AIDVET. Provides resources for Veterans who are homeless or at risk of homelessness.
Sexual AssaultÂ
National Sexual Assault Hotline: 1(800)656-4673. Provides emotional support for those who have became victims of sexual assault.
Adults Molested As Children: (415)928-4576. Offers recovery programs from childhood abuse, including physical, sexual, and/or emotional abuse or neglect.
Incest Survivors Anonymous: (877)SIA-WSO1. Advocates for children/family members who have been affected by incest.