Different people cringe at different things. Some people cringe at the word "moist". Moist, moist moist! Some people cringe at blood, the crimson liquid that flows in our bodies. Still others cringe at smells, certain foods, sunlight and many other things. I personally cringe at the smell of cooked spinach, more like dry-heave but close enough. But today what I am cringing at this years election.
Most everyone can agree that this years top two presidential candidates, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are awful choices and many people are choosing the "lesser of two evils." That is basically what this election has come down to, who is worse: the politician with a rap sheet or the ill-mannered money man. The Democrats say Trump is racist, sexist and almost any other "-ist" they can, Republicans call Clinton corrupt and often even treacherous and those are not from the politicians, these are from the everyday people, moms and dads, fast food workers, military veterans, neighbors and even friends.
Unfortunately this is my first election but I pray to God with every Facebook post I see about this years election that it does not set the standard. There is a nice lady from my church back home who seems to be a fervent supporter of Trump, probably because she has not seen or heard about his "locker-room" boasting. But then the moment I look at Clinton after cringing from Trump's comments and in-sincere apology, Chuck Norris is berating Clinton supporters and media outlets for ignoring her seeming involvement in criminal enterprises. Then one thought comes up, Vermin Supreme for president. My now rattled spine from the two main presidential candidates has either made Vermin Supreme a viable choice or a last ditch effort.
Finally, as if riding one of Vermin's ponies from space, comes in Gary Johnson. Johnson is running for President as the nominee for the Independent party. I personally do not agree with all of Johnson's stances, like that of abortion or I haven't decided my self like that of Marijuana, Johnson does provide a real, viable alternative. All I hear and see from Trump and Clinton is venom being spewed at each other from all sides, but when I so see something from Johnson slip up above the fray it is either about his stances or how he is a relatively better choice than either Trump or Clinton, not to mention Mr. Supreme. Check out more of Gary Johnson and his campaign at either Balanced Rebellion or his website www.johnsonweld.com. America deserves not to cringe!