Prior to this time, physical theft and robbery was paramount but lately has been replaced by Cybercrime. Cybercrime is a form of crime that involves individuals using a network of computers to defraud, steal and gain access to classified informations. The emergence of cybercrime was due to the advancement in technology, but on the other hand creates room for diverse activities. Cybercrime encompasses other sub crimes such as phising, malicious act, hacking to gain access to classified informations.
The question still remains, what propels this quest? Citing an example using hacking as a pivotal point,hacking dates back to when the need for complex arithmetic problems were needed to be simplified using codes and numbers which could only be understood by a certain group of people, and using coding some important files could be encrypted. Cyberespionage was not really a bad advancement of technology but its converse was. In addition unemployment and lack of funds tends to push individuals into Cybercrime as a source of living(This could be seen in Africa where the government has intentionally refused to do their constitutional duties, one of which is providing jobs for her citizens, the citizens are left in dilemma either to work or engage in Cybercrime.
In addition,In advanced countries, some individual's area of specialty is in the creation of cyber viruses which includes the creation of viruses that hampers the normal functionality of the computer system. Not only do they create these viruses, they further inject them to the targeted computers; in return, maliciously demand for a ransome to activate the antivirus. The aftermath of this is the lost of vital classified files which cannot be retrieved even after the activation of the antivirus.
With the aforementioned points, it's clear that the major causes of cybercrime are unemployment and quest for advancement. These factors can be curtailed by creating job opportunities for individuals and with these job opportunities created, potentials can be unleashed and then channeled into the right source. With this, the society would be safe from Cybercrime and positive advancement in technology could be welcomed.