The clowns are coming! They are rallying together and frightening the sh*t out of us. I fear for my own safety and am officially not walking home from any bus stops. I have basically asked my roommates to drive me home after my classes and they have been able to help out. I have better chances of driving home in a car then staring in the eyes of a creepy clown as he approaches me with a sharp object.
They have been showing up all over the U.S, mostly on college campuses. Are these clowns just college students that are messing around or are they people who have serious psychological issues? To be honest, I don't know. What we do know is that it has been spreading very recently and many sources have stated that some of the clowns are attacking.
It could be because of the fact that Halloween is coming up so they may just be having fun. A lot of us don't really like it when people scare us. And I don't want to be attacked with a sharp object coming at me. Speaking from the perspective of a college student, we already have enough problems as it is with school and for some, work. The last thing any of us need is a clown trying to ruin our day by scaring us. I also say to the people that are fighting back against these clowns to try and not do any harm. Although they are creepy, we still do not know their intentions.
According to Caitlin Schmidt from the Arizona Daily Star, the clowns are starting a rally in Tucson, Arizona and calling it "Clown Lives Matter". So maybe some of them don't mean to scare us. Some of them are probably just harmless human beings that want to put joy in our lives like clowns use to do when we were kids.
The best we can do at the moment is ignore this cult of clowns and hope that they don't do anything to rash. There have been reports of clowns everywhere according to Chris Sanchez from Business Insider. They started in South Carolina and began heading to places like Florida, California, and Michigan. They may be in alleyways, at bus stops, or under bridges (one was reported to be spotted under the bridge students have to cross for class at Grand Valley State University).
Wherever they are, the best thing to do is to just stay away if a clown tries to approach you. I say that to the public, but I also say that to the clowns. So here is my last words to the clowns, I would like to live the rest of my life in peace and I would like to just worry about my classes and getting home safe from now on so if the clowns could please just stay away that would be better for everyone.