Manoj Bhargava, the creator of 5-Hour Energy, has plans to start production of some new inventions that will help eradicate poverty.
Like other billionaires such as Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates, Bhargava plans to give the majority of his net worth to philanthropic causes. In fact, Bhargava has pledged to donate 99 percent of his $4 billion fortune. He wants to spend most of that fixing many of the problems that contribute to global poverty, including the lack of access to clean water, food, and health care.
Here are four inventions that Bhargava and his company are working on.
Free Electricity Machine
This device is actually pretty simple. If you pedal for an hour then you start the generator, which generates 24 hours of electricity for the battery. Once installed this bike will cost $0 and will have 0 emissions. This bike initially costs $100 and the first 50 will be tested in 20 villages in India. Mass production will start in India after the testing is completed in the first quarter of next year.
This machine essentially mimics an auxiliary heart. Renew squeezes blood from the lower extremities into the core body while the heart is at rest. Renew isn't really a cure for illness, but a machine that improves one's health before an illness occurs. Bhargava says that, by improving blood circulation, Renew can help prevent heart disease and strokes in the developing world.
The Rain Machine
In an hour this machine can convert 1,000 gallons of any water into drinkable water. The Rain Machine is also clean and efficient, as it recycles its heat energy. Half of the world lacks access to clean water, so this machine could not be any more essential right now. This machine will also allow people to purify water and store it for a drought or other times of need.
Limitless Energy
A few miles underneath the ground, unlimited energy sits in the mantle of the Earth. With a material called Graphene a cable can be created and put into the ground so that heat can be conducted to the surface of the Earth.
Without burning fossil fuels or generating energy through high costs, Bhargava claims that Limitless Energy can help save the environment from further damage.
Bhargava gets it. He once said, “Talks don’t help anyone out of poverty. Awareness doesn’t reduce pollution, grow food or heal the sick. These take doing. The solutions are here: great inventions that generate clean energy, that make fresh water and improve our health."