Everyone is creative. I know you're probably disagreeing with me right now. I've heard so many people say, "No, I'm not creative or artsy, I wish I was though," and I cannot explain to you how much I disagree with it, and I'll tell you why.
This first mistake, and it's entirely common within our society, is to assume creativity must be related to the fine arts. Drawing and painting have become synonymous with the creative spirit, making it seem as though, if you're inept at that, then you must not be creative. Incorrect.
I too am guilty of this. Until fairly recently, I made this assumption as well. Before entering college, I assumed people who liked math were less creative, and people who liked art were more creative. When, in reality, art is just a more obvious platform to showcase it.
As I started my journey through adulthood, I started to broaden my perspectives. I could now see people in science, as well as all other fields, passionate people, loving their own unique art form. They used creative expression in a way I never thought possible. It is not even close to what people assume art looks like, but to accomplish anything in science, you have to use that creative, problem-solving part of your brain. Researchers are arguably some of the most creative types out there, facing the world's problems head-on, and using creativity when it matters most.
We learn that science is a set of rules that we have to follow. But any rule we've learned has come from a human brain, who observed something in our world, and had the capacity to think about it in a different way. And continued to think about it until they could explain it. Sometimes, this took a lifetime.
But back to more relatable topics. You are creative in ways you might not even think of.
For example, when you're cooking, unless you're following an exact recipe, which in my opinion never exactly pans out, your hunger and whatever you can find in the fridge are just the pieces to what can turn into a magnificent and delicious meal. The fewer options the better. You must configure a way to put these last groceries together, in a way that will be worth a half hour of your time. And if you're like me, more worthy than a trip to Taco Bell (bad example, I know - nothing is better than Taco Bell.)
Even when creating a new playlist, you have to come up with original ideas to fulfill whatever mood you're in. Or maybe your style and self-expression. All of these are things that no one gave you instructions on or told you to do, but somehow you've come up with an original and unique version which is completely personal. To me, this embodies what it means to be creative; you're being yourself, not following the rules of someone else.
Creativity is more than a means to producing art, it is a powerful tool that, believe it or not, we all use on a daily basis. It is the foundation for our passions, and a means to solve problems. There are countless ways to be creative, and everyone is capable of it.
Embrace your creativity. Let it inspire you, drive you. Use the muse inside of you to show the world who you are, and what you love. Anything that inspires you can fuel that innovative spirit, you just have to have the courage to pursue it.