Ah college...
So you might have noticed by now that it's been kind of a theme for me as of late. Well, as song writer and composer Rich Mullins once said, "this is real life, baby, this ain't no Hollywood dream."
That's right, college is real life. It's a privilege to be sure, but one where you are constantly working in order to reap the benefits. So looks like I'll just have to get creative! At least that's what my Dad says. Not that I disagree, I completely believe the talents God has given me should be applied when I run into tough situations and challenges. I have a creative mind, yet I'm also technical.
I've gone through most of my life concentrating on what I like and get distracted from what I don't. Unfortunately for me, what I dislike is school work. I've been taught tons of knowledge, yet not how to enjoy it. "He who learns must first want to be taught." It's taken me a while to realize the joy of learning, and since no one (besides my Dad) has taught me that gathering knowledge is a wonderful thing, I'm left to my own devices.
In fact, at the end of last semester, I walked out of a test declaring, "I suck at school!"
No really, I do.
I'm completely content too. I don't fit the mold and that's okay! Lots of people like me don't fit it either. The first that comes to mind is my sister, Hannah. We're both artistically oriented and not very adept to academics. It's okay though, because God made us smart in other ways. As creative thinkers, we can apply ourselves in a roundabout way that they don't teach you in schools. It's a struggle sometimes, but God has given us talents, so we ought to persevere and use our talents to the best of our abilities.
I'm not good at timed tests, note taking, reading quickly or writing 15 page research papers. Does this mean I should just forget it and forge my own way to fulfill my dream? Well... NO!
I will fight the good fight and finish the race! I press on toward the goal which Christ has laid in front of me. Never give up, never surrender!
Like I said, I've just got to get creative. My dad has always told me I'm very smart and I have seen that I do have my moments. I'm starting to think more creatively, to find my own way through the havoc of college in order to accomplish the goal that God has for me, that which only I can do in using my talents for His Glory.
This is real life, people. Let's give it all we've got!
Hebrews 12:1 NKJV
Therefore we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,
Rich Mullins, "Where You Are"
If you have time, have a listen :)