Running Away In The Name Of Creativity | The Odyssey Online
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Running Away In The Name Of Creativity

Sometimes we just have a need for a change of scenery in order to get rid of those annoying creative ruts.

Running Away In The Name Of Creativity

I write so much, but a lot of times I fail to share my ongoing projects, and even some of the finished ones. This happens when I am in a rut. I start to get restless for something new so that I can be introduced to more ideas, and then possibly gain enough confidence to share both good and bad parts of my writing with the world to simply put myself out there. I’m on a continuous line of trials to see the best ways in which my creative juices flow more easily. Sometimes I need a change of scenery in order to get back into a space of creative possibility.

So, I’ve decided to do an early #TBT and give you a look at an article I wrote specifically about travel . In it, I indicated a dream destination of mine. Looking over the article, I realize that I’m hungry to start actually traveling. Now, with all that said, I am so envisioning an international writers’ retreat in the near future.

Do you have an absolute dream destination, somewhere in the world, that you just know can make your inner travel bug sing? Is it that type of destination that elevates the levels of the wanderlust inside you, as you picture being in the midst of the place of your choice? Whether or not you have a vision of traveling the world at all, I bet we all agree that travel guides, and helpful tips hold a special place in making some world experiences—or the moments in your dream destination—worthwhile, meaningful, and enjoyable.
Queue your desire to explore and your willingness to learn things about areas of the world you want to see. Enter, Wandershare: The online, Word-press-powered, travelers’ fairy godmother. Personally, I acquired knowledge of Wandershare through Pinterest. As an avid pinner, I began to notice many nicely-organized infographics. Peep the one, here. South Africa is, actually, one of the places I would be honored to visit. My list of dream destinations changes sometimes, but the desire to learn and explore remains.

I really appreciated the large amount of countries they put in the spotlight, and the sort, sweet way in which they seemed to deliver these tips. Helpful little graphics accompanied succinct guidelines on important documents to bring, vaccinations, foods to try, appropriate manners, and more. I wondered to myself, “Who does these?” Then, Wandershare’s web address reared its head in all of its .com glory, after my Google search. “Found it!”
The Wandershare site brings forth a feast for the eyes of the traveler—the site menu features a large, organized list of over 100 countries. Upon selecting a link to any one of the countries—and I know you’ll love it—you will be met with a visually-pleasing multitude of categories, lined-up like a nice mosaic of square panes, that all serve the purpose of gifting your inner travel bug with helpful gems.

The straight-forward travel guides you will encounter provide answers to the questions many of us would have, such as: “What do I need to be admitted into the country?”, “What do you recommend I see or do during my stay?”, “How do I stay connected?”, “What things do I need to do in order to respect the culture?”, and so much more. It touches bases that are meant to make you—the traveler—more comfortable as you prepare to take that trip, fine-tune your know-how, polish your own itinerary, and create quite a ‘local’ experience to help fulfill your travel vision.

Basically, the travel guides, tips, and infographics that Wandershare provides us are substantive and are a reflection of the fact that you deserve to be thoroughly informed as a traveler and to be safe, have fun, and enjoy your dream destination.

“See further. Go farther.” - Wandershare

Smith, A. (2016, October 6). Wandershare: The Short, Sweet Way to Travelers' Hearts. Retrieved May 2, 2018, from
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