Whether your life is a complete mess, or you're smooth sailing through, it is never a bad idea to get organized in regards to your thoughts and actions. A bullet journal is a perfect way to do just that. With complete artistic freedom, you are able to customize the journal however you wish, and truly be able to reflect your soul through those pages. Really, you should get a bullet journal, and here's exactly why.
1. Not only are bullet journals the PERFECT way to organize every detail in your life, but they are beautiful as well.
Let the creativity flow!
2. Bullet journals give you the opportunity to spend some time with yourself.
Reflect on and realize what you have vs. what you need.
3. When life makes you anxious, writing in your journal can give you a peace of mind.
Keep yourself, and your mind, calm and relaxed.
4. Weekly budget? Write it in your bullet journal. Poetry on your mind? Bullet journal. Doodle? Journal. You get my point, right?
Overall, the journal is good for many purposes.
5. School and life might feel like they are out of control, but you will have TOTAL control over your bullet journal.
You win some, you lose some.
What are you waiting for, go get yourself a bullet journal and let your creativity flow!