In the first part of this short series on opportunity, we talked about what opportunity really is. Discussed was how opportunity is a conscious choice given a set of circumstances. Opportunities can take many forms. They can be positive, improving your situation and giving you greater energy. However, opportunities can be negative, robbing you of time or detracting from the quality of your life.
Opportunity looks exactly how you imagine it.
One key to understanding opportunity that was discussed was the ability to imagine it clearly. Some people call this manifestation. This idea, that you can clearly imagine the impacts of your decisions and choices is important in many aspects of your life. I think a study into manifestation would be very appropriate for my next series, so stay tuned!
The question I posed to start this article was a simple one: Can you create opportunity?
Frankly, the answer to this question is simple. Yes. One can create opportunities. Every single day, you have the ability to create opportunities in your life that, in most cases will benefit you and raise your energy. The problem with such an easy answer to this question is that yet another question is raised.
HOW can you create opportunities?
This answer is not so simple. We as humans ask this question of so many topics in our lives. We often know that we can do something, but we have no idea how. In my mind, this is a fundamental question which should press on the mind of every individual who sets out to complete a task or learn something new for the first time.
Alas, I will not be able to give you a formula to solve every "how" question you ask yourself each day. I can, and will, tell you how you can create more opportunities in your life.
The main thing you absolutely must do to generate more opportunities is to THINK BIGGER.
Almost every opportunity is a chance for you to think bigger. If it is an opportunity that will end up benefiting you, it only makes sense to think bigger. With a broader perspective and a belief that things can and will get bigger and better, more conscious choices present themselves as opportunities. If you cage your mind into thinking that you will never have a big opportunity, a big opportunity will never present itself to you!
This is just the way life works. In the last article, I talked about energy. If you raise your energy by thinking bigger, bigger and better things will come your way. Once you decide to think bigger, you will see that there are endless opportunities disguised as everyday choices. The main thing is that these disguises are self-imposed. I promise that once you rid your choices of these disguises, your eyes will be opened to a brilliant world of opportunities which had been right in front of you all along.
Opportunities are out there, ripe for the picking.