For most of us, success is much more than just paying bills on time. Success is being the best version of yourself at all times whether it is at home or at work. Lately, my goal has been to create this virtual persona of how I want to be seen as professionally. I stumbled across some awesome articles that helped create a much more effective and appealing portfolio website.
Take a look!
7 Psychology Secrets for Impactful Web Design
Why? I chose this article because believe it or not, a good design is based on psychology and understanding how people think.
Points of Interest & Application:
- Trust - I learned that building trust with an audience is not only based on corporative credibility. Building trust includes investigating your audience’s likes, needs, and differences. Not everyone is into the same thing. Having a balance is important.
- Repetition - While I was doing my portfolio website, I lacked consistency and repetition within the typefaces. I didn’t know how important this was until I read that using the same typefaces influences the subconscious safety and belief that they’re in the right spot of information.
- Minimalism - I’ve always been a fan of minimalism. Less and simple sometimes is better (Especially when you have a messy and crowded living room like mine.). Sometimes too much content overwhelms your audience. I’ve been learning how to keep it clean and clear. I plan on putting imagery and just key words or bullet points to make clean and visually appealing.
Simple Tips for Creating a First-Class Personal Portfolio.
Why? I have to be honest, the first word caught me. “Simple”. I really don’t want to stress when I know that the work that is coming up is heavy. Also, I really want to learn where and how to lay my content effectively.
Points of Interest & Application:
- Clear Logo & Tagline - Having a clear logo and tagline is effective because it is the first thing your audience sees when they go into your portfolio. In the short attention span internet age, making your audience feel interested needs to be fast!
- Contact - Make it easy for the prospective employees or clients to contact you. I will provide a contact form along with email and phone number.
- Choosing Great Work Only - “Don’t show everything, only the best.” This is something really important and resonated with me. Some of my friends include EVERYTHING on their portfolio.. and when I mean everything, I mean.. EVERYTHING. Even things they made in a rush. Sometimes having less content that is amazing is better than having a lot of content that is mediocre.
8 Common Design Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)
Why? I want to be able to clearly communicate visual information. Even though a good design standard is subjective, there are always tricks to avoid often made mistakes by designers.
Points of Interest & Application:
- Symmetry Is Boring… Sometimes. - Even though symmetry equals to balance, asymmetry draws more attention and creates a difference. I plan on using asymmetry slightly on the website designs, I don’t think my mild OCD will allow me to use it often.
- Center Alignment May Be Confusing - Too much centered text may result in sloppiness and crowdedness. It may be hard to understand due to its rough edges. I will use center alignments for headings and subtitles. I will not use it for body text.
- Too Little Repetition - Lack of consistency affects the way your audience ties all the information together.