If you have a birthday between October 23rd and November 21st you are a Scorpio; otherwise known as the best zodiac sign. I may be biased considering I myself am a Scorpio. However, we get a lot of hate thrown our way by the other signs. Scorpios are often called evil, crazy, or intimidating and honestly we kind of are, but in the best way. Don't worry my lovely Scorpios they know we can't help it, it's just who we are. But there is so much more to us than the crazy, so here are ten things about Scorpios:
1. Scorpios are intense. We are very passionate and sometimes our passion gets ahold of us and it comes off intimidating...
2. We don't fall in love easily. Scorpios try not to let themselves feel, so many of us get accused of leading people on. But when we do fall in love we fall hard and it is all consuming. #goodluck
3. We seem like we don't have any emotions. Seriously when was the last time you saw a Scorpio cry... think about it.
4. Scorpios actually have a ton of emotions. We just bottle them up and wait for them to implode.
5. Scorpios are secretive. We don't like people knowing a lot about us because we like to be the ones with the power.
6. People tend to get obsessed with Scorpios. They want to know all of our secrets and figure out who we really really are.
7. We are intuitive. We can read you like an open book, seriously. Don't try to lie to a Scorpio because we know... we always know.
8. We tend to be manipulative. Usually its accidental but sometimes it's just for fun.
9. Scorpios are loyal. We have a lot of acquaintances, but only a few close friends who truly know us and we will stand by those people no matter what.
10. Everyone says they hate Scorpios. But they are really just jealous they can't be as mysterious. ;)
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