Hey, girl. Yeah, you. Would you mind if we talked for a second? Just you and me? I know, I know. This isn't in your schedule and you have a million places to be and things to do, but you need to hear this.
I completely understand that you are very busy...in fact, I am just like you. I have my nose in my planner close to 75 percent of the time I am awake. The only time it's not out in front of me is when I'm walking. And even then, I'm probably updating the calendar on my phone. But I need you to know something in this incredibly busy time of your life.
You are cherished.
Those around-- the ones you feel you haven't had enough time to be intentional with-- yeah them, they cherish you and the brief time you are able to have with them. They love you so much and as much as they want to see you succeed and achieve your dreams and goals, but they also want to see you take care of yourself. They want to see you happy. Not stressed.
While you may feel like you don't have enough time for yourself, but you can find the time. That even if you are able to find 15 minutes before class to sit and sip on your coffee to enjoy it, not just to caffeinate your exhausted body and mind. Go for a walk. Not to class or the library. But just to clear your mind.
You are a beautiful gift for to this earth and there is no one else here like you. You were put here for a purpose and while seeking that purpose can be stressful, it should also be a journey you enjoy and learn from. Find people that are also in pursuit of their dreams, but those that are also willing to make you take a breather from a crazy day, week, or even semester.
You know yourself best, but you also push yourself the hardest. You may or may not even notice those days anymore when you are just not yourself because you are so lost and caught up in what is due this next week, the meetings you have, the exams coming up, your plans for next semester, and those long term plans five years down the road. Precious child, stop.
I know it is so hard to, but please, stop. Prioritize today. Work with today. The rest of your days are already planned and set in motion. Know that you are in the best hands. The hands that created you to be perfect and intricate and detailed. Your purpose and the plan for you will be revealed piece by piece, day by day.
You are missing incredible things happening around you. Seek out time for you and those you love. And while it is easier to say than be done, cut yourself some serious slack, ASAP. You are a gift, treat yourself like it.
Dear girl, take some time to look up from your planner. Leave some of your life unscheduled. Because some things will just fall into place without you forcing them.
Know you are loved and cherished.
Another Crazy Planner Girl