As advertising creative students we spend a lot of our time trying to come up with amazing ideas that have never been seen before. In an industry that’s been around since about the 1400’s that’s a very difficult thing to accomplish. Sometimes, we have to settle for really good ideas that haven’t been used in quite the same way. On the road to finding this idea, some really crazy things are tossed out and honestly, some of them are kind of amazing. Below are some of my favorites courtesy of the most hilarious genius I’ve ever met, not Jessica T.
1. Guys, Root Vegetables would be a GREAT name for a band.
And we all agreed that YES, Root Vegetables is a great name for a band. Thus, everyone in the room began to call dibs on vegetables. We had Garlic Bulb, Beat, Parsnip, Sweet Potato (Sweet P. for short), Turnip, Idaho Spud, Radish and more. There are 25 people in this class; almost all of us claimed a veggie. It was amazing.
2. Soupcase: You can put soup in it and then drink it through a straw while you ride.
This gem came about as we were brainstorming for a product called Skatecase, a really cool skateboard that has a built-in storage compartment. We’d been working on this all semester and frankly, had gotten frustrated trying to come up with an idea we all agreed on. So, we took a break to concept out a Soupcase and what do you know a few hours later we had a solid idea for the product. Here’s what the board looked like when we were done:
3. BULLY BACKPACK, you wear it and it hates you.
I don’t remember were this one came from. We all came in to class despite it being canceled to work on our group project and in the mists of that, this golden nugget tumbled right out of her mouth. I promptly wrote it down so I could play around with it later. Today is later! Behold, Bully Backpack:
Moral of the story, major in Advertising, you're guaranteed to meet great people you will remember forever.