3. Everyone needs to be a little wild sometimes. | The Odyssey Online
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10 Ways Having A Crazy Friend Improves Your Life

Life just doesn't seem as enjoyable without having your crazy friends

The Office

We all have one or many friends who just make the world a better place. And of those friends, there's probably the one that is the craziest and gets you and the others to follow suit.

Letting loose and having a good time is the best feeling in the world and it impacts your life, maybe without you even realizing it.

Here are ten ways I believe that having that crazy friend, or friends, and experiences can better your life.

1. Builds comradery

When you and your friends pull pranks, do something new, or something crazy, it takes guts. Doing it together brings you closer as your strengths fill each other's weaknesses.

2. Creates new memories

You most likely could fill a book with all of the outrageous adventures. Others may even begin to envy your group's collection of thrilling and hilarious stories, because you guys have the guts to just do it, and what makes it better is that you were all together.

3. Everyone needs to be a little wild sometimes.

Whether you're a beginner, intermediate, or advanced on the level of crazy scale, it always feels good to let loose and have a good time with your friends.

4. Always turns a frown upside down

Being crazy with your friends will always make you laugh! Being around the crazy, lighthearted, carefree attitudes, will help you forget your problems. You know you can count on a crazy friend to not let you stay in a bad mood for too long.

5. Pushes you out of your comfort zone

With all your friends to back you up and try something new with you, it is more likely you'll try something new. Stepping out of your comfort zone can be scary but usually ends up to be an overall good time. Even if it isn't, at least you can say you tried something new and get another story out of it.

6. Gives you a more positive outlook on life

Those crazy friends we all have usually gain a greater outlook on life, and an upbeat personality and great sense of humor come along with it. When you've been through a lot in life, and you choose to use those experiences to better yourself it tends to teach you that life is what we make of it--so why not spend it experiencing all sorts of shenanigans with your friends.

7. You become more comfortable in your own skin

When you and your friends get into all sorts of nonsense you become more comfortable around one another, becoming less afraid to expose vulnerabilities or the rough patches. Knowing you have a friend or multiple friends who understand and empathize, you start to become less embarrassed of yours and your friend's extreme levels of weirdness.

8. Helps you to let loose

A crazy friend will never let you spend Friday or Saturday night alone in your room watching Netflix. They will take you out for a crazy fun time. It may just possibly get you into a little trouble, but all in all, they make sure you don't forget about the time you spend with them.

9. Makes you realize it doesn’t really matter what others think

When you feel comfortable and happy with yourself when you're around your friends, you start to realize that if other people want to talk bad about you and your friends, so be it. Just continue to dance like no one's watching, sing like no one's listening, and march to the beat of your own drum.

10. Life becomes more fun.

Simply put, life just doesn't seem as enjoyable without having your crazy friends and getting into all sorts of shenanigans! On days you feel stress will consume you, along come your friends to rescue and take you out to do something fun. When you hang out with your friends, you're guaranteed a good time with laughter, good vibes, and overall better outlook on life.

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