4. Representation of LGBTQ+ community | The Odyssey Online
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Why You Should Be Watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

The best show on the CW right now.

Why You Should Be Watching Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

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Crazy Ex-girlfriend is an American comedy TV series that runs on the CW Network. It is an amazing show to watch as it deals with very serious topics in an informative, but a comedic way. It is about a lawyer named Rebecca Bunch who moves from New York to California to pursue happiness and an ex-boyfriend of her's that made her truly happy. She deals with growing up and understanding more about herself and the feelings of those around her.

Here are 5 reasons why you should watch Crazy Ex-girlfriend:

1. The crazy characters


The cast of characters in this show is superb. Every character is dynamic, quirky, and wildly entertaining. Daryl Whitefeather, the character pictured here, is a lawyer who has the happiest personality and the biggest heart. He loves his employees and loves to have fun. He is also very wise and understanding, a necessary trait when dealing with the main character, Rebecca Bunch.

2. The epic musical numbers

One thing Crazy Ex-Girlfriend does very right is the over the top, hilarious and educational musical numbers. Whenever the main charcter has to have something explained or she makes a discovery about herself, Rebecca and the characters near her all break out in song with a choreographed routine and props.

3. Brilliant storytelling

crazy ex girlfriend


The storylines in Crazy Ex-Girlfriend are engaging and all connected. There are some plot holes, as there are in any show, but each storyline seems to add something major to the story. There are no small characters, everyone has a decent amount of backstory that adds to the show. Also, the writers seem to never shy away from topics that are awkward or controversial, including the topic of period sex. Seriously, there's a whole musical number about that one......

4. Representation of LGBTQ+ community

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Yes


This show also has quite a few characters and scenes that are positive for the LGBTQ+ community. There are three main characters who are in the community, with one being gay and two being bisexual. There are also scenes in the show that deal with characters being LGBTQ+, from trying to go on dates to coming out. Also, the characters are not all stereotypes as most LGBTQ+ characters are in media. One gay man is a smart, bodybuilder who like older guys.

5. Serious discussion of mental health



Lastly, a major component of Crazy Ex-girlfriend is mental health and taking care of yourself. The main character Rebecca has her own share of mental health issues and throughout the show she learns about them and learns to care for her mental health through therapy, antidepressants, and necessary coping methods. The show also goes through Rebecca's journey of learning how to function with it in society.

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