The Finale of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend Changed My Life | The Odyssey Online
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A Goodbye to My Favorite Show: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

I'll miss you Rebecca, the coolest girl in the world.

A Goodbye to My Favorite Show: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

There are iconic moments in cinematic history where one of the greatest shows comes to an unfortunate but deserving end: Friends in 2004, The Office in 2013. Now we say goodbye to another incredible story this year: Crazy Ex-Girlfriend.

For those who don't know, Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is a comedic television show that features catchy, original songs and actors such as Rachel Bloom and Vincent Rodriguez III. It focuses on Rebecca Bunch, a lawyer who decides who drop her entire career and move to West Covina, California, after learning that her teenage crush, Josh Chan, lives there. Throughout her journey, she meets a plethora of new people and experiences life as a west-coast girl.

However, the show is anything but an upbeat, happy-go-lucky tale of a girl living her Californian dream. The show highlights the main character's struggle with mental illness as well as the stories of her friends who struggle with their sexualities, addictions, racial discrimination, and more. The ethnic and sexual representation in this show serves as a prospective model for future television series. Truly, it is amazing.

After four seasons, the audience had to say goodbye on April 5, 2019, with its final episode, giving it a short life of less than a year. In those few months, though, this television show has done more for me than anything I have watched in a long time. It's easy to find a show that can make you go through virtually every emotion: joy, pain, anger, envy, embarrassment, but this did more than that.

I genuinely became connected to the characters. I felt for Rebecca during her mental turmoils, I was overjoyed when Daryl finally came out as a bisexual man (and had a catchy song to go with the moment). The show encouraged me to be a more attentive friend and even reconsider my own academic and social choices.

This show did not include the generic, overdone plot of "girl chases boy, girl finds boy, girl and boy fall in love." There are so many twists and turns in between, ulterior motives and love interests along the way that shape the narrative into a more realistic portrayal of what it's like to be a young adult. Yes, Rachel Bloom is the main character, but the audience gets additional insight into the lives of her friends and colleagues so that, by the end of the series, we feel a relationship to every person ever featured on the screen.

Apparently, Rachel Bloom discussed her desire to potentially make the show into a Broadway musical, but that moment is probably far into the future. For now, we are left with the heartbreaking finale, featuring both new songs and a couple of fan-favorites tunes that made their original debut at the beginning of the series.

If you haven't seen the show, I highly recommend giving it a try. It's different from every other 21st-century show I've seen, but in the best way possible. The second-hand embarrassment you feel when viewing Rebecca's questionable actions is a little intimidating at first, but eventually, you get used to it.

Although Crazy Ex-Girlfriend has come to an unfortunate close, I feel like the finale gave me the closure I need to mentally move on. Plus, I still have all those old episodes to binge when I'm feeling nostalgic.

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