Being a dog mom comes with ups and downs. There are sometimes that you could never imagine being angry with your dog and other times when you wish they would just lay down. I love being a dog mom and constantly show pictures of my baby to everyone (yes, she is my baby). Here are a few things that most dog moms can relate too!
When your dog listens to you when you ask them to come is an amazing feeling.
Sometimes you would rather hang out with them than actual human beings.
When your dog gets sick, you feel sorry for them.
Disciplining them is extremely hard to do. Who can stay angry at that face?
Your dog is your best friend; you tell them everything even though you know they don't understand. They are always there when you need them to be.
Snuggling with your dog is amazing and you wish you could do it all the time!
Playing with your dog is so much fun for them and for you.
When you go shopping, you sometimes end up shopping more for them than yourself.
You have become accustomed to the puppy dog eyes and still fall for them most of the time.
They will always be your best friend and you couldn't imagine it any other way!