We all get upset by things once in a while. For me, some of those include losing at video games, seeing injustice in the world, learning that the food I saved was eaten by someone else, having a good book spoiled for me, and when my friends say they are not strong. Not in that order. Seriously though, when my friends say they are not strong? That really does upset me. It upsets me in the same way people don't think they are beautiful or smart or valuable just because they are not seen to possess the traditional versions of those things. I understand how hard it can be to see yourself as strong when the world is telling you that you don't possess the proper qualifications that would deem you as such, but there is something powerful you can say in response to the world.
Screw you world.
When did we decide to let others say what we are? When did the media, the prideful ones, the envious ones, get to decide that we are not strong, beautiful, smart, or valuable just because they say so? So what if you can't be the traditional mom? Who cares if your house is cluttered, and your kids are running around naked and screaming their lungs off? How is that not beautiful? How does that make you a bad mom? Who cares if your school notes are not neat, organized, and color coded? Who cares if you can't grow a full beard, are overweight, and are not "manly?" No one decides you are beautiful besides you. No one decides you are strong but you. Your strength lies in so many different places than the world wants you to think it can.
The mom who has a cluttered house? Her strength lies in her love and concern for those who are not even her own kids. She cares harder than anyone else around. The college kid with the messy notes? They ask more questions than any other student and always help ask the silly dumb questions none of the other students dare ask, but definitely, need to be answered. The man who can't grow facial hair, and is a bit chubby? He has the smoothest laugh you ever did hear and is the funniest guy in any room.
I am not saying that having those traditional strengths or beauties is bad. Of course, they are. I am just trying to say, that just because you are not the norm, just because someone says you are wrong for being confident, that you should take a second look at who is saying it. Only evil wants you to believe that you are not good enough. I just want you to see the beauty in you that everyone else around you sees. Choose to be a bit kinder to yourself, and those around you. Always look for the good in others and yourself, because it is there.
Every one of us has some crazy, beautiful, strength inside us.