According to, experts estimate there are somewhere between 100 billion to 200 billion galaxies out there. explained how the Hubble Space Telescope recently revealed 10 times more galaxies than they had previously discovered.
Let me put this in perspective for you …
This is our galaxy, the Milky Way:
Do you see that little spec with the circle and the arrow pointing to it? That is our sun.
Our sun is so big that about 1,300,000 plant Earths can fit inside of it. Yet, our sun is barely visible in the huge spectrum of the Milky Way Galaxy.
Astronomers predict that there are between 100 - 400 billion stars in our galaxy. They also predict that each star has at least one planet. This means there are probably hundreds of billions of planets in our galaxy alone.
Keep in mind that the Milky Way is a medium-sized galaxy. There are some that are smaller and many galaxies that are much bigger.
The galaxy that is closest to ours is called Andromeda. Andromeda is about twice the size of the Milky Way and is estimated to have 400 – 800 billion stars in it.
With an endless amount of galaxies and an even more endless amount of stars and planets, how can someone possibly believe that our planet is the only one capable of advanced life?
Other planets in other solar systems have been discovered to have oceans, trees, ozone layers and other factors that could potentially support life similar to Earth. However, we know that lifeforms evolve to survive in their current environments.
There are probably planets out there that are inhibited by prehistoric lifeforms in the beginning stages. There are probably planets out there that are inhabited by lifeforms very similar to humans but are millions of years more advanced.
There are probably advanced lifeforms out there that are unlike humans in every way and are capable of survival in ways we can’t even imagine possible. To me, it seems incredibly self-centered and even a bit crazy to think we are the only ones here.