There's No Wonder Why We're So Crazy About Summer | The Odyssey Online
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There's No Wonder Why We're So Crazy About Summer

It's the sunniest and happiest time of year.


Although it is only February, it's during this time where many of us are counting down those moments where the summer season begins. As anxious as we are, we know that we have to get through the spring before anything. So what is it? What is it about the summer that just makes us want to jump for joy every year?

Now I can write a whole book on why summer seems to be the most important season, but that might almost last a lifetime. Now don't get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing wrong with the season change. I enjoy fall and all the outfits that come along with it, and spring showers certainly bring May flowers! But summer is the time of year where I can be able to let loose and have the best time.

Summer is a time where I feel that everyone can let their hair down and be free to be themselves. Winter is a time where people don't usually go outdoors as much. Except if you participate in a lot of winter activities, indoors is the place to be. It gives me a good opportunity to catch up on any of my favorite Netflix shows that I missed while being cozied up in bed. It also gives me an opportunity to catch up with my writing and reading as well. I always say that I will catch up with one of my favorite books over the summer, but I can't help but to just be outside and try to read them all.

The sun is also another thing that I enjoy. While being cooped up in the house all winter long is never exciting, it is even worse when you're cooped up indoors and it looks beautiful out. Looks are very deceiving as it may look nice, but once you add in the wind chill its back inside we go. No wonder they call winter the hibernating season. Also, although there are many winter festivals to keep people entertained it still doesn't have the same effect as it does during the summer.

Once summer comes, it's a great time to explore wherever you desire. Now unless it's raining out, there is nothing wrong with being outside to explore your surroundings. But of course, yes it is the outfits! FINALLY, we are able to take the shorts out again and relive the days where we as women can be in our nice dresses again. Nothing is better than dress season, especially during the summer. I love showing off all my summer clothes when it's nice out simply because the nice weather brings out the best moods.

When your mood is bright so are your outfits. Now I'm not saying that nobody can have the same mood during the winter, but when the weather is so on and off especially with all the snow, it's a tad challenging to remain bright and creative.

So if you're just about over the cold and ready for the warm weather, it will be here before you know it!

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