1. You don't actually believe that you have an exam tomorrow.
You're experiencing a mixture of disbelief, frustration, and let's be honest, embarrassment. Did you lose your syllabus? Nope. It's sitting in your folder that you've avoided opening for the past four weeks.
2. You realize that you are inevitably screwed and are internally freaking out, but end up projecting your problems onto others.
Why admit that you're wrong when you can just tell everyone else that they're wrong?
3. Now that you've gotten that out of your system, you experience a burst of confidence, where you convince yourself that you might actually be able to swing this.
It's as if this all-nighter is your destiny.
4. But then 2 a.m. comes around, and your eyes start getting a little heavy.
I think I'm just gonna close my eyes for a second...
5. Around 4 a.m. you start slurring.
You know it's bad when just about anything will make you laugh uncontrollably.
6. You look at yourself in the mirror and ask:
I don't know, me, I don't know...
7. But then, out of nowhere, you get a second wind.
You're not sure whether it's a natural surge of energy or those two turbo shots in your coffee finally kicking in. Whatever it is, it seems to be working (for now).
8. You and your study partner convince each other that you're gonna kill it.
You're seriously considering making this your routine before every test.
9. You waltz into your class a few hours later looking like a complete train wreck and everyone can tell.
The only designer bags you're wearing are the ones underneath your eyes, and you've chosen the classic scent of "Parfum de I haven't showered in three days." Who needs to look like a million bucks when you're about to absolutely slay this exam?
10. You finish your exam feeling like a boss and high-five your professor on your way out the door. #MicDrop
You're not sure whether you just wrote a math equation in your English essay, but who cares? C'est la vie.
11. You get your test back a week later and end up getting a B- on it.
But you'll take it.