Have you ever been so bombarded by your life during the week that you completely forget that you have an important exam to study for? And then you blink and it's one day away? If you know what I'm talking about you might be able to recognize these dreadful stages of studying for a test the night before the big day.
1. Acceptance
You accept the fact that you were lazy and did not prepare your life for this moment, so you reassess your day and find time to cram for the test. You accept that you literally cannot do anything else today except cram. So you buy yourself that coffee and you begin to let yourself enter into the abyss.
2. ConfidenceÂ
For just a few minutes, you think you can really do this. If you try really hard and write so hard that all of this information seeps from your fingertips into your brain, you might actually do okay tomorow. You have a few blissful moments of unexplainable confidence.
3. Freaking outÂ
Remember those blissfull moments of confidence? They're gone now. You've paused to see how much work you truly have to do. The tears are flowing, your brain is screaming at you.
4. Taking charge
After you wipe a few tears away, you realize you can't give up now, you have to keep pushing foward no matter how hard it may be.
5. The final acceptance of your fate
Lastly, it's 3 a.m. You've studied all you can, you accept that there's virtually nothing else you can do now to save yourself. You accept that sleep is the only important thing in your life right now and that you'll just try your best tomorrow and no matter what happens, you know you're going to be okay.