21 Crafting Ideas To Inspire Every Artist In 2021
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21 Crafting Ideas To Inspire Every Artist In 2021

Whether you have immense free time this year or want to try something new, here are 21 new art project ideas to occupy your time and interests during the new year.

21 Crafting Ideas To Inspire Every Artist In 2021

As COVID-19 continues to plague society, spend some of your increased time at home crafting away at different art projects. Here are 21 different ideas to try throughout the new year. From balloon dart painting to chunky blanket making, there is an artistic hobby for everyone!

1. Decorate your own mug

To fashion your own cup design, simply use Sharpie permanent markers to draw and accent the desired pattern, quote, or logo. Then, bake the mugs at 350 degrees for approximately 25 minutes in order to get the design to set.

From fun colored stripes to inspirational quotes and inside jokes, the possibilities are endless. Plus, this project is simple to complete and requires minimal materials to make. It's a win-win situation!

Photo by Dominika Roseclay on Pexels

2. Balloon Dart Painting

If you've watched the beloved and acclaimed Princess Diaries movies, then you would be acquainted with balloon dart painting. To do this activity, fill your balloons with paint and a slight amount of water. Attach the paint filled balloons to the canvas through tacks, string, or tape. Then, throw darts at the balloons and watch them pop, consequently filling the canvas with splattered paint.

This slightly messy activity is great for parties, get-togethers, or just a lazy day at the house.. Plus, the paintings are a great decoration for apartments and dorm rooms.

Photo by Toni Reed on Unsplash

3. Scrapbook or Bullet Journal

Do you have a bucket load of pictures and postcards from trips, school functions, or family events? Making a scrapbook or bullet journal is the perfect way to reminisce about the past while having fun and looking towards the future.

Photo by Olya Kobruseva on Pexels

4. Calligraphy

Calligraphy is a skill that can be used throughout the year for a variety of tasks. Once you learn how to do calligraphy, you will be able to apply it to card making, business activities, and gift giving ventures.

Photo by Brigitte Tohm on Pexels

5. Cross Stitching

Needlework is a great gift to make for loved ones and provides an outlet for stress and anxiety. Besides being therapeutic, cross stitching is a life skill that many people could learn and grow upon. Once people master the basic designs and patterns involved in the activity, they can do more complex projects, like cross stitching people and houses realistically.

Photo by Magdaline Nicole on Pexels

6. Plastic Canvas Tissue Box

Plastic canvas tissue boxes, similar to cross stitching, is a relaxing activity to try this year. Click here to watch an introductory tutorial on how to start this crafting activity.

Photo by Raphiell Alfaridzy on Unsplash

7. Paper Lanterns

Constructing paper lanterns is a perfect way to decorate your room, or even your backyard, in an aesthetically pleasing way. Depending on the lantern designs you make, these shining orbs may remind you of Disney's cherished film, Tangled.

Photo by Melissa on Pexels

8. Pottery and Ceramics

If you've never thrown at the wheel or built with clay, this is your time to start. Participating in pottery is both satisfying and enjoyable. Either try this activity at home or attend lessons at your local craft stores!

Photo by Regiane Tosatti on Pexels

9. Knit a scarf

Knitting is an enjoyable life skill that people should learn how to do at an early age. Since scarves are one of the easiest patterns to make, beginners should start there. Choose your favorite type of yarn, pick up some knitting needles, and watch some tutorials to begin this process.

Photo by Surene Palvie on Pexels

10. Personalize a candle

To personalize a candle with photographs, people need to start by printing the image(s) onto tissue paper. The photos are to be placed onto the wax candle and heated with hot air, such as a blowdryer. As a result, the images are transferred onto the candle. This process allows people to make personalized gifts for their loved ones or themselves.

Photo by Elly Fairytale on Pexels

11. Magazine Collages

Magazine collages can be turned into an assortment of finished products. On the one hand, some people turn their collages into dream boards. Other people use the magazine clippings to make pretty designs that match their room decor. Overall, the artist has complete control of the artistic direction they choose to follow.

Photo by Sunyu on Unsplash

12. Chunky Blankets

Have you heard about the incredibly soft and warm chunky blankets? These blankets can be made using hand-knitting techniques. Instead of buying these blankets from the store, make your own this year.

Photo by Erol Ahmed on Unsplash

13. Quilting

Once you learn how to quilt, gather your favorite t-shirts and articles of clothing make a personalized quilt to love and cherish. Make sure to start with easy patterns, like the Block Quilt, until you gain comfort and skill!

Photo by Dihn Pham on Unsplash

14. Jewelry Making

Whether you choose to use metal, beads, or wires to make your creations, jewelry making is a time consuming activity that will take up some of your free time this year. Plus, you can customize the designs to fit your personal preferences!

Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Pexels

15. String Art

To do string art, design a pattern that you would be pleased with and insert nails in appropriate locations. Subsequently, wrap the string or yarn around the nails to fill in the desired shape!

Photo by Castorly Stock on Pexels

16. Tissue Paper Art

To complete tissue paper art, arrange the pieces of paper along the canvas or sheet of material. The next step is to spray the materials down which causes the colors to leak and smear. As the colors blend, you will be left with a pretty watercolored look!

Photo by Mel Poole on Unsplash

17. Crayon Melting Art

To make these projects, lay out and glue down the selected crayon colors onto the top of the canvas board. It is best to put similar colors together in order to get pretty mixed colors. Once the crayons are laid out appropriately, use a heat gun to melt the colors down the board.

The products can be customized and changed. Each project will be slightly different and unique.

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash

18. DIY Self-Care Products

Instead of spending your money on expensive self-care products, like bath bombs and lip balm, why not make your own?

Check out these recipes for some ideas:

DIY Bath Bomb Recipe

DIY Lip Balm Recipe (with essential oils)

Photo by Burst on Pexels

19. Scrunchies

In the last few years, scrunchies have only grown in popularity. Their comeback has been strong and long overdue. To learn to make your own scrunchies, follow the simple instructions provided in books and websites, including Martha Stewart's Scrunchies. Learning how to make your own scrunchies will save you money and take you sewing and needlepoint skills!

Photo by Lisa Fotios on Pexels

20. Zentangles and Mandalas

Zentangles and mandalas are both aesthetically pleasing to look at and stress relieving to participate in making. These intricate designs can be created using pens, pencils, or other drawing utensils that are available. To make these projects, people simply follow the patterns and fill in their desired designs. There are many different designs and structures that can be taken. It's completely up to you!

Photo by Swati H. Das on Unsplash

21. Shadow Box

Shadow boxes are another way to commemorate and remember important memories. Simply get a glass shadow box and put in your concert tickets, photographs, movie tickets, recipes, and small nicknacks. They can be themed and methodically planned or random and spontaneously designed. If you need a gift idea for someone special, shadow boxes are a meaningful and thoughtful present idea for birthdays and holidays.

Photo by Pineapple Supply on Pexels

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