There is something significant about the relationship you have with your cousins, especially if there is one your age. Growing up as an only child, my cousin has become more like my sister and best friend. Living less than two minutes away from her made my cousin my go-to playdate as a kid, and my permanent snuggle buddy as a young adult.
1. She’s in every single picture from when you were little.
Proving you were inseparable from the very beginning, your cousin and you are in every picture together. Whether you’re both naked in the bathtub or laughing on the swing set in your back yard, you and your cousin have some great material for TBTs. She’ll never let you forget about the fashion shows you put on together when you were 5 years old because she posts them on your wall every year for your birthday.
2. She was always your go-to playdate.
Since you’re family, your parents didn’t count hanging out with your cousin as a playdate, so you were able to hang out for hours upon hours on end. Chances are her parents came over at some point during the day, leaving you and your cousin-BFF with a tremendous amount of play time.
3. You get to do cool things with both of your families.
Yes, you can go on vacations with friends and their families, but that usually takes planning on your part. But when it’s family, your parents plan the whole thing. Whether it’s to visit grandparents or simply to get away, trips with your cousin were always the best.
4. You spend every holiday together.
Especially when you’re at a random relative’s house, it comes in handy having your cousin as your best friend. Sharing the joy of holidays with my best friend, but in a family-setting, has always been something truly special.
5. You help each other through fights with your parents/aunts/uncles.
Sure, regular friends can help you with parent drama. But since your cousin knows your parents also as her aunt and uncle, she is able to give you a unique perspective when it comes to solving your issues.
6. You have separate friend groups, so you can confide in each other.
From hearing about them over the years, your cousin knows all about your friends. But because she’s not friends with them herself, you can talk about them with her and get real advice when it comes to drama.
7. You get to laugh about your crazy family together.
Everyone has those crazy distant (or not so distant) relatives. With your cousin, you’re able to laugh about their absolute absurdity at any time of the day. Just failed a test and feeling a little down? Facetime your cousin and she’ll remind you of that time you both forgot the name of your great aunt’s cousin’s husband and embarrassed you in front of everyone.
8. You can tell each other anything, because no matter what, you’re family.
You can pick your friends, but you can’t pick your family. So, at the end of the day, you’re stuck with each other no matter what. You know your relationship is never-ending, and you’ll have each other for life.