Being the oldest cousin in a family of around 30 cousins on both sides I have had the experience of much cousin love over the years. I have heard so many people say that their cousins were their first friends before going off to school and making other friends. I wholeheartedly agree with this.
On both sides of my family; and by that, I mean my mom and dad, I have four uncles, one step-uncle, and one step-aunt. Each uncle and aunt, with the exception of the step-uncle, has two or more children. That adds up to quite a lot of cousins, (and these are only first cousins. I can't even begin to count how many second and third cousins I have.) out of everyone three of those cousins are older than me and the rest are all younger.
The cousin love I received when I was younger has changed quite a bit the older I have gotten. When I was just born there were only three others who were born, which means I was close to those cousins at a young age. You would think that bond would last forever but to my surprise, it only lasted until about school age. Those three older cousins and I actually don't talk at all. Personally, I wish that were different but not growing up close to them had a big impact on how we grew up and we just never cliqued again. Either way, though, for those cousins who may or may not be reading this. You're all my family and I love you.
Even though it saddens me not to be close to the cousins I used to be when young, the relationships I have today with all of them are priceless, and I couldn't ask for anything better. I have the best of both worlds, teenaged girls to talk to when I want to feel young again (even if I'm not old), and younger girls who haven't yet reached their teenage years looking for love and advice. I also have teenage boys, who are good to have around to joke with, and watch horror movies with. Last but not least, there are the little boys who believe it or not, at this age are the most playful, but also the most cuddly.
No matter where I turn, there is a cousin willing to be there for me. A cousin there to hug me, and talk me up from my down moments. There will also always be cousins who need my love and advice. I feel like sometimes I act as a crucial person in a lot of their lives. Some I haven't had the opportunity to be close with, but some I have spent so much time with that they're almost like brothers and sisters.
I guess what I'm trying to say is you can never have enough love. Having a big family, full of cousins is a huge perk. I'm never lonely, and there is always someone to talk to. Family gatherings are full of fun with the chatter of many adults, teens, kids, and babies. My life is perfect, and it wouldn't be nearly as perfect if I didn't grow up close to all my amazing cousins. If you're my cousin, and you're reading this, know that I love you. If you're anyone else? Get in contact with at least one cousin, and let them know you love and appreciate them, even if you're not close.