7. This one appreciating her (future) marriage | The Odyssey Online
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15 People Shared Beautiful Photos Of Their Interracial Relationships For Loving Day, And I’m Sobbing

Really, it's beautiful, and I'm here for it.

15 People Shared Beautiful Photos Of Their Interracial Relationships For Loving Day, And I’m Sobbing

In 1967, the Supreme Court overruled a state-level decision to ban interracial marriage, and it was one of the best days for equality ever. The government finally went hands off trying to control whether or not people of other races could love one another because spoiler alert: they can.

For me, personally, I have dated guys who are black, and to think that would have been breaking the law a little over 50 years ago blows my mind. Someone's skin color doesn't dictate who they can or cannot love, and that's something I'm so glad I have the right to in today's day and age.

In honor of this beautiful day, here are 15 interracial couples sharing stories and pictures of their love, and I'm going to let the tweets do the talking.

(Remember, though, while we have come a long way from interracial relationships being illegal, we still have a long way to go. @ everyone who stares at interracial couples, just stop!)

1. This couple that looks absolutely beautiful on their wedding day!

2. This couple who is promoting love everywhere

3. This couple who made a collage of four pictures to celebrate four years of marriage

4. This one celebrating her parents' love

5. This one where her parents literally could not marry legally when they first met

6. This one where they give each other "the look" and it's so beautiful

7. This one appreciating her (future) marriage

8. This couple who is heading toward 24 years together

9. This one where you can clearly tell he knows he won the grand prize

10. This couple that has built a beautiful and wonderful family together

11. This girl who just hit everything spot on

12. This one that celebrated the beautiful love of her parents

13. This girl who made me tear up

14. This couple just radiating happiness

15. And this one, who put it best: thanks to those who paved the way for this

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