I grew up listening to country music. It’s been there for me through moments big and small. For this article, in honor of the CMA Awards being last week, we’re going to talk about the big moments. These are the moments when your emotions get the best of you. Whether it’s extreme joy, sadness, or anger. You can’t speak because your heart is too full. And now you know what to play when your words fail.
You have a hard decision to make
Just To See You Smile - Tim McGraw
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"Just to see you smile/ I'd do anything/ That you wanted me to/ And all is said and done/ I'd never count the cost/ It's worth all that's lost/ Just to see you smile"
To me, this song is about doing anything to make sure the people you care about happy. But I think it’s important that you remember to think about what will make you happy. Usually, we are so worried about others that we forget about ourselves. So, when you have to make a tough decision, put this on, think about your loved ones and what they want. Then play it again, and think about yourself and what you want.
This was actually a song for one of the very first boys I dated. I remember on Valentine’s Day he actually found a card that played this very song when you opened it! This boy and his family always went out of their way to make me feel welcome. I always felt like I was a part of the family. It was a huge deal for me, since it’s just my mom and I. So when I made the decision to leave him, I was broken up about it. I cared a lot about him and his family. I wasn’t just losing a boy, but a place that felt like home to me. He was very understanding about it. He just wanted to be happy.
Celebrating a big milestone in your relationship
Then - Brad Paisley
"And now you're my whole life/ Now you're my whole world/ I just can't believe the way I feel about you, girl/ Like a river meets the sea/ Stronger than it's ever been/ We've come so far since that day/ And I thought I loved you then"
This song has a huge love story in it. And it just goes to show that you can love someone more than you ever thought was possible.
For me, this song is for me and the first boy I ever said I love you too. Which, of course, is a little dramatic looking back at it now. Since we were in high school when we dated. But we did date for a long time and it was my first “serious” relationship. It was pretty cool seeing how strong your feelings can get for another person over a period of time.
Reminiscing about a past relationship
Dancin’ Away With My Heart - Lady Antebellum
"I haven't seen you in ages/ Sometimes I find myself wondering where you are/ For me, you'll always be eighteen/ And beautiful and dancing away with my heart"
C’mon. Don’t lie. You’ve been there. We all have. You haven’t seen your ex in a while and all of a sudden, you see them pop up on your TimeHop and you drift off into La La Land. This song will help you remember the good times. I’m not judging you. Just remember not to stay in La La Land for too long.
This brings me back to my first prom, which was equally mortifying as it was magical because my dress ripped, but I guess that’s what most people’s first proms are like, right?! This song just perfectly describes how I felt as a freshman dating a senior. Those relationships are especially hard because you’re both going through such different things. One of you is just trying to figure out where you belong in high school and the other is starting to wonder where they belong in the real world. These relationships weren’t really meant to last, but that doesn’t mean they are any less valid. And it certainly doesn’t mean you can’t reminisce about them.
Your ex-boyfriend gets a new girlfriend
I Got The Boy - Jana Kramer
"I got the first kiss and she'll get the last/ She's got the future, I got the past/ I got the class ring, she got the diamond and wedding band/ I got the boy, she got the man"
This is a such an awkward time period of anyone’s life. Your ex-boyfriend has a new girl and you might still be single or in a new relationship. It doesn’t really matter, either way, it’s weird. Where you were once the ones making memories and a big part of each other’s lives, now they have someone else for that. Even though you’re not together, it’s still a transition. It somehow sets it in stone.
The boy in this song just reminds me of a boy I once knew and cared deeply about. I was his first “serious” girlfriend, you could say. So after we had broken up, seeing him move on was a little bittersweet for me. I was proud that he became such a good man for someone else, and I like to think I had a little part in that. But, of course, a little weird because it wasn’t me.
True story, I was obsessed with old school courtship in high school. Like wearing your boyfriend’s class ring or lettermen jacket. I actually would wear my boyfriend’s class ring, but I wore my own lettermen jacket.
When you want to fall in love with a melody
Late To The Party - Kacey Musgraves
"Late to the party with you/ Oh, who needs confetti?/ We're already falling into the groove/ And who needs a crowd when you're happy at a party for two?/ The world can wait/ Cause I'm never late to the party if I'm late to the party with you "
This song just warms my heart and makes me want to strum along on a guitar…which is exactly why I learned how to play it. It’s just one of those simple melodies that leave me humming along to it for the rest of the day. It’s soft and romantic and perfect.
This is one the first country song I learned to play on the guitar. This song reminds me of sitting at an open mic night in my college town. All the amazing singers and musicians completely lost in their art. And letting me see a peek off all the talent they possess.
When you think of how much your parents love you
You Had Me from Hello - Kenny Chesney
"Well, you had me from 'Hello'/ I felt love start to grow the moment I looked into your eyes,/ You won me, it was over from the start./ You completely stole my heart, and now you won't let go./ I never even had a chance you know?/ You had me from 'Hello'"
This whole song is about how you loved someone as soon as you met them. In particular, romantic love. It’s a sweet notion about love at first sight or word in this case.
However, whenever I hear this song, I think about how much my mother loves me. I think about how special and rare that unconditional love is. Parents love you so much as soon as you’re born, even before you’re born! This song just makes me think about that.
You're thinking about the person who left you
Colder Weather - Zac Brown Band
"He said I wanna see you again/ But I'm stuck in colder weather/ Maybe tomorrow will be better/ Can I call you then/ She said you're ramblin' man/ You ain't ever gonna change/ You gotta gypsy soul to blame/ And you were born for leavin' "
This is another one of those songs that have a romantic connotation to it, but I don’t take it that way. You will be crying in the first 45 second and your heart will be broken by the end of this song. This is 100% NSFW.
This song reminds me of my father. My parents divorced when I was very young and their separation as always been a huge part of me. My father and I have not always had the best relationship. We’ve had rough times, phases where we didn’t speak or see each other. Too hurt by the decisions he’s made. My decisions to distance myself to avoid getting emotionally hurt by him. The result of those complications is this song.
For the friend’s who aren’t in your life
Crash My Party - Luke Bryan
"If you wanna call me, call me, call me you don't have to worry 'bout it baby./ You can wake me up in the dead of the night; wreck my plans, baby, that's alright./ This is a drop everything kind of thing./ Swing on by I will pour you a drink./ The door's unlocked, I'll leave on the lights"
This song is for those people you would drop everything for if they needed you. It doesn’t matter where you are or what they did, you’ll be there for them as soon as you can. They mean the most to you, and then some.
I’ve lost various friends throughout my life, just like everyone. Some of them have cut deeper than others and this song goes out to them. Regardless of what’s happened, you know that if there was ever anything you needed from me, I would give it to you in a heartbeat.
When you’re home sick
The House That Built Me - Miranda Lambert
"I thought if I could touch this place or feel it/ this brokenness inside me might start healing./ Out here its like I'm someone else,/ I thought that maybe I could find myself/ if I could just come in I swear I'll leave./ Won't take nothing but a memory/ from the house that built me. "
Growing up, you learn that returning home gets more and more difficult. Things change and they weren’t as you left them. I believe we always think and wish that our hometowns will stay the same while we go out into the world and change, but that’s not the case. This song is about that.
I moved from the house I grew up in when I was 14. It was a hard move for me. My best friend lived three houses down and now I was moving across town. I’ve passed the house from time to time and have tried to see from the outside what’s changed. I’ve wondered how what the inside might look like now. How my bedroom has changed. How the porch my father built has different furniture on it now. There’s still a large divot in the yard that my mother used to worry I would get sucked up in when I was little. This song just makes me crave my days when I was younger and my world was a lot simpler.
You miss someone who’s no longer with you
You Should Be Here - Cole Swindell
"You should be here, standing with your arm around me here./ Cutting up, cracking a cold beer, saying cheers, hey y'all it's sure been a good year./ It's one of those moments, that's got your name written all over it."
This one is all about someone who passed away and is missing precious moments in your life. And they don’t have to be the big ones, it can be the little ones too. It’s about just missing their presence and the energy they brought with them wherever they went.
I lost my grandfather when I was just 10. He’s missed big moments in my life. He’s didn’t get to see me graduate from elementary school, let alone high school or college. It’s been moments like those where I wish he could have been there the most. How I wish he could have seen me grow up and what he would have said about the person I was becoming.
The person you’re with says they aren’t a Country music fan
Play It Again - Luke Bryan
"She was like, oh my God, this is my song/ I've been listenin' to the radio all night long/ Sittin' 'round waitin' for it to come on and here it is/ She was like, come here boy, I wanna dance/ 'Fore I said a word, she was takin' my hand/ Spinnin' me around 'til it faded out/ And she gave me a kiss"
This the perfect song for this occasion. Hands down. If they don’t like this song, just give up. It’s so catchy and you just can’t help but smile when you hear it. It’s been three years since this song came out and my heart still skips a beat when I hear it.
Speaking of hearts skipping a beat, I used to go out with this boy who didn’t listen to country music. He opened me up to a world of things I would have never have experienced before and I tried to do the same for him. Music was very big in this case. This is one of the first country artists he enjoyed. This song just reminds me of all the long drives we went on with no destination in sight.
You’re about to graduate/move out
Don’t Forget to Remember Me - Carrie Underwood
"Just one more thing before you leave/ Don't forget to remember me"
This song is about going out on your own. I think it’s hard to remember that this big event is also hard for your family, and it’s not all about you. But one thing is for sure, being on your own, without the safety of the people you knew in high school or college, or your family is terrifying.
I just graduated from college a few months ago and it’s crazy to think I’ll never go to school again. It really does fly by, so make sure you cherish every moment. And don’t take it for granted. You might want to skip class now, but soon they’ll be no more classes to skip.
You want to feel powerful & in control, not angry
Gunpowder & Lead - Miranda Lambert
"I'm goin' home, gonna load my shotgun/ Wait by the door and light a cigarette/ If he wants a fight well now he's got one/ And he ain't seen me crazy yet/ He slapped my face and he shook me like a rag doll/ Don't that sound like a real man/ I'm gonna show him what little girls are made of"
This song is about domestic violence and if you are experiencing any form of abuse, please check out the resources I’ve provided here . But in this scenario, Miranda decides to fight back after her boyfriend pays bail. Did you know less than 2% of domestic violence offenders spend time in jail? The result is a song that makes you feel in control, powerful, and frankly, like a badass bitch.
This is a song that my best friend and I listen to every time we’re together. It’s just a great time to yell along to. You feel like you’re there and taking charge of the situation and it just feels good. We’re showing you what we’re made of, and it’s not everything nice.
You’re in the mood to drink
Straight Outta Cold Beer - Blake Shelton
"You know we're straight out of that dirty south/ Dirty roads, nobody got no money/ Got them shined up pickup trucks/ Whistlin' at them honeys/ From the country, yes sir/ You know we're straight out of that long week work/ At night, everybody wanna party"
The beat to this song just makes you want to dance and get your drink on. And who better to drink along with than Blake Shelton?
This song is one of my favorites off of his new album. This is a great song to listen to while you pregame to go to the bar! But of course, drink responsibly and only if you’re legally allowed to. And make sure you eat carbs before you go. You know, so you can soak up all the alcohol you’ll be drinking. Don’t forget to leave a glass of water and Advil out for yourself for when you come back! You’re welcome!!!
And that’s it. These are the country songs that will help you get through tough times, celebrate, or just better understand what you’re feeling. If I forgot something let me know! Or, even better, if you have some song recommendations, leave them in the comments so I can check them out!